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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

30th week

So, in honor of the 30th week of pregnancy I decided to finally post a picture because I know one day I'll be glad I did. Ten weeks to go!


Lizeth Peterson said...

Cute!! You look great Kristin.

Michelle said...

WOOHOO!!!! Looking good mama!!!

Candi said...

Bravo! Yes, one day you will be very glad you have this photo, but I know how you must feel right now. You look fabulous -- only 10 weeks to go!

James and Cindy said...

well we can tell how excited you were to take that picture :) you look good, just 10 more weeks of uncomfortableness.

Jennifer said...

Oh my gosh you are tiny!

You look great and I love that color on you!

Thanks for the picture!

Love ya!

Only 10 more weeks! Woohoo!!!!!

Beth said...

You look fantastic! You will be glad you did it even though I know it's hard. Post another one at 40. Congrats on your 5th boy! You were right about your basketball team you told me about 8 years ago.

The King Crew said...

You look beautiful Kristin!

AC6DG said...

Hey, we have a map just like that on our wall. Love you!! Dad

Veronica Peterson said...

Kristin you are one cute pregnant momma. I hope the next 10 weeks will go well for you.

Anonymous said...

This picture just makes me want to cry. You look beautiful!

Mammy said...

You look great. Makai must be very snug and cozy in there. It's really a beautiful sight, Kristin. It won't be long now . . .

I love you, my little Mom!

Caitlin said...

You are so darling! I'm so glad you posted a pic.