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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Enjoy the Moment

For Christmas my visiting teacher gave me a wooden sign which reads "Enjoy The Moment". I placed it in my kitchen above the sink knowing how much time I spend there I'd remember to read it everyday. It has really changed my outlook on life and was a perfect gift right before having a new baby. So, as I am trying to enjoy every moment I decided to share with you a few of my favorite moments from this past week.

One of my favorite things about Christmas is my mom's Challah bread. There is nothing like sitting down to a nice warm slice of this bread with melted butter on it. YUM. Add some hot chocolate and you've died and gone to heaven.Tyler is a great help when I need him to be. I love the way he looks at his brother. The other day I know he really wanted to be doing something else when I asked him to hold Makai. I thought he'd resent him, but when I took him back he just said, "Mom, I love having a new brother."I've been a little spoiled as Monty has been off and here to help. He's really stepped up to the plate and helps with the dishes, meals, and the other boys allowing me to get some rest. One afternoon I woke up before him and found him sleeping with Trey. I had to take a picture because I found it so cute that they were sleeping in the same position.Christmas morning Monty's parents both came over and watched the boys open their gifts. Monty's mom made a nice breakfast and his dad brought donuts, so we had plenty of food that morning. The boys had a wonderful Christmas. Trey always rides his brothers scooters, so Santa brought him his very own!(he's not too fond of it yet for some reason?)
Tyler has wanted a remote control car for years. This year he got his wish.
The biggest surprise of Christmas was a Wii Sport. It was even a surprise for Monty and I. We didn't plan on getting one for the boys, but Tyler asked for a Lego Indiana Jones 2 game for his PS2. After searching for it we learned they weren't going to make it for the PS2. The boys have been working to earn a Wii by getting honor roll and we were planning to buy one at the end of the school year. Christmas Eve we still hadn't found a good present for Kyle. I sent Monty out and he just decided to get the boys the Wii so we could get the game for Tyler and then we'd be done. Kyle was completely shocked when he opened his gift. His reaction was classic. He read Wii and then just kind of paused as if he didn't believe it. He looked up and said, "Is this a Wii? Did I get a Wii?" After that it was sheer excitment. We then explained that if they don't make Honor Roll this quarter we take it! It's been fun watching them play.
Kory got a Pokemon puzzle for Christmas and we had a fun time putting that together. As for his remote control plane...that's more of a dad toy. Too complicated!
Trey has been a little sick this week and needing some love. I think he may have been a little jealous of Makai, but never mean. He told me last night, "Mom, I want to keep him." Whenever Makai cries he said, "It gunna be okay Makai. Don't cry. It gunna be okay." I went into my room yesterday to find Trey touching Makai on his nose while he slept. He's come to accept and love Makai and even shared some toys with him yesterday. When I was taking some quick pictures of Makai yesterday Trey asked me to take some pictures of him. He even posed!
I love to watch babies do the simple things like yawn or smile in their sleep.

Monty having some wrestling time with the boys. They love to wrestle with dad.
Trey holding Makai. Priceless.
Monty holding Makai. He's already growing up. I'm so in love with this little man. It's so funny that I lived 30 years without him and now after just a few days I can't imagine my life without him. What a blessing.


Michelle said...

What great post! I think because living in the moment is a big part of my New Year's resolution. :) Your family is just so sweet and you captured some great moments to tresure forever. Looks like you have some happy boys there! :)

James and Cindy said...

Isn't it sad that most of our time is in the kitchen. But such a great place to put. I hate doing the dishes so that would be a nice reminder to just enjoy it. I'm glad you guys had a good Christmas.

Jennifer said...

I love all the pictures...and I love that your kids fav. gift, the wii was a spur of the moment thing. Chritmas shopping can do that to a person...make you throw caution out the window and just but the thing you know your kids will LOVE. My SIL wants to buy a wii for my MIL for her 70th birthday. I am not so sure I am jumping of that ban wagon! Seems silly to buy Grandma a wii but what do I know. ANYHOW! I love that plague too! I need to make one. I also love the new theme for YW this year...from Josh.1:9 "Be strong and of good courage". Makes me not want to be afriad of the things i think I am too weak to do.

Mammy said...

Looks like your Christmas was merry. There are some great pictures in there. The yawn is a classic. He's yawning already--another genius!

Veronica Peterson said...

The boys look very happy with there new brother.