My Blog List

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Babies grow so fast, but thanks to my SIL Michelle we will always have our 'Mighty Makai' at two weeks. Truly priceless. (To see more you can visit her photo blog.) Thanks a million times over Michelle.


Jennifer said...

can you believe how cute he is?

James and Cindy said...

He is so adorable! And those pictures are great. That is something that will def. be nice to have as he gets older.

Michelle said...

So glad you like them. I know we didn't spend much time with him, but I think we got some keepers in the batch. :)Thanks for letting me play!!! :) Love ya!

Theodora Salanoa said...

OMG....these are just too adorable... I can't wait to be able to see him in person. Love and miss you guys soooooo much.

Sharlyn said...

He is so cute!!!!

Keith and Jennie said...

ahhh...he's a cutie Kristin!!!

Veronica Peterson said...

His so perfect! please keep posting on Mikai. I wont to see him grow up.