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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Land of Play

Remember what it was like to be a kid.  Trey has such an imagination.  He is always playing something.  While we were in California Trey was playing with my brother Erik and loving it.  They seem to have the same mind.  If he could have Erik to play with everyday he'd be a happy boy.  Instead me got me and I'm kinda good for about 10 minutes.  Then I always come up with something I need to get done. 

If you notice in the picture.  Trey has a light saber in each of his belt loops and one in his hand.  He has a watch so he can communicate with the other Jedi, and me Padame.  I love that he has an imagination, but sometimes I force him to be Trey because I miss him just being him. 

I love when Makai and Trey play together.  The other day I made them a fort in Trey's bed and they had fun for a while.  until Makai started to pulling down the blankets and Trey went completely crazy with anger.  It was fun while it lasted though. 


Candi said...

I hear ya, girl. You sound as fun as me! I love to watch my girls using their imaginations, but being a mom sometimes gets in the way of participating. I've learned, though, that it's not how much time I spend playing with them as much as the fact that I do. Even if 10 minutes a day is all I can fit in, I feel confidant that's what they'll remember of the whole day.

Chloe is starting a blanket collection, because she loves to make forts. And now that they have their bunk beds back it's even more fun to make forts out of their bed.

Jennifer said...

i love their bedding set!