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Saturday, June 13, 2015

It is Great to be 8!!

He waited 8 years for this.  What a wonderful day.
In his way.  Trey loves to wear his lava lava his Nana made for him for Christmas.  Very proud of his Polynesian side.

Two handsome men.  Do they look like father and son?

As a mom I can say there is nothing more wonderful than seeing this little guy dressed in white!!  He looked so cute and was so proud of his choice to be baptized.  Isn't he just such a stud!!   

Making the day pretty special Mammy and Grandpop were able to come out for Trey's baptism.  We were so thankful to have them with us for the celebration.  They have been so sweet to make it out for all the baptisms.  They are four for four!!  Special!!  

And just so Trey knows I was at his baptism.  Wish I would have gotten a picture with him, but I was there Trey.  I cried and cried and cried.  Doug and Ali were there too.  Some of our favorite friends. Other friends at the baptism--Greens, Jeff and Tammy Goodell, Krystal and Steven Goodell, Scharfs, Seegmillers, Pratts, Fuentes, Bishop Eckery, Allens.  Trey is loved.
So proud of you BIG MAN!!
After his baptism we went to get some Mexican food in Windsor.  Trey had an enchilada. 
And of course with our big man turning 8 he also gets to finally start scouts!!