My Blog List

Saturday, August 8, 2015


Our first visitors to Nebraska were the Fuentes.  When the Fuentes come--we know how to Eat!!

Omaha Zoo!!  A bunch of monkeys!!  Enough said!

Jessie had a buisness trip the week they came so the two of us went to Philadelphia together.  Just around the corner from our hotel was the Philadelphia temple!  It will be a great addition to the town and in a great location

Jessie and I took a walk around Philly together.  The buildings and statues were amazing and historic.

Had to take this for my Nephew Rocky!!

We went window shopping.  This lovely dress was over $1,000--on Sale!!  I personally think it might be the ugliest dress I have ever seen.  Just had to take a picture.  Not sure why.

I love Philly Cheese Steak Sandwiches and have always said I wanted to get a Philly in Philly!!  Check that off of the bucket list.  

It was pretty hot in Philly and all the water fountains say to stay out of them.  I however, was feeling adventurous and decided to brake the rule.  As a rule follower this was a BIG deal!  Once I saw kids swimming in the fountain I got brave enough to brake the rule.  HAHA.  A nice relaxing afternoon sitting in the sun soaking my feet.  Priceless  
Monty, Edgar and the kids had a good time here in Omaha staying up late playing video games and watching movies. We enjoyed their visit.

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