It was a busy week, but mostly good stuff. Tuesday Kory turned 14! He can now go to church dances and is in Teachers Quorum with Kyle for the next couple months. For his birthday we had stuffed chicken with Mashed Potatoes of course. He started basketball this week, so he didn't get home till late. Kory is at an interesting phase. He is getting rather big so often when he wants to end up playing with the younger boys, he thinks he is just playing and they end up complaining. It must be hard to have to get use to your own strength changing. I can't say I ever had to do through that, but boys do! He's getting stronger and stronger!
Perhaps one of the funnest parts of my job is when I get to see the boys while I am at work. Friday Kory came in to say hi sporting a hat Miss Christie let him wear. He's surly got a goofy side. I would never be able to wear this hat around school, but Kory pulled it off!! |
We always give the kids an option of whether they want to buy their own gifts with money we give them, or if they want us to pick their gifts out. This year Kory picked for us to pick his gifts. He seemed happy with what we got him. A new headset for his Xbox1, new headphone, golden state warriors socks, and a few sweatshirts. He's outgrown a lot of his clothes. He also got a new church shirt from Mammy and grandpop with a pretty nice tie. He also got some gum from the librarian. He was doing an experiment in class on which gum makes the best bubbles.
He couldn't figure out how to put up 14 fingers. Kyle was suppose to help, but was having more fun making a puppet. |
Happy Birthday Buddy! We love you. |
Thursday was Trey's first choir concert. All the other boys have done band for their music elective, but Trey loves to sing, so I made him take choir. He seems to enjoy it. I loved his performance. He made us proud. During the last song Kory was trying to get him to laugh by doing the hand signals with him. I told him to stop and look over only to see Monty doing the same thing. BOYS!! Kinda not very nice. But he still did great. I also learned he got to stand next to his 'CRUSH' the entire time, so he was in 11 yr old heaven!
Tyler came to support his brother! |
His crush is the girl with a ponytail.
Friday night was the boys 1st football playoffs game. They played Lincoln. We were expected to lose, but actually won, so next week we play Bellevue West. The boys were super excited after the game. We almost didn't go because I was afraid it would be too cold, but wanted to watch Tyler in case it was his last game. Well, it wasn't cold and it wasn't his last game. We'll see how Friday's game goes. We've played them before and lost, so we've got our work cut out for us.
Post game excitement!! |
Friday Kyle also had an MRI. We should get the results for that on Monday and after that we'll have a better idea what to do with regards to his recovery.
Saturday we had to pick up all the leaves on our lawn. The trees are almost done dropping their leaves. Makai was having trouble working until our neighbor brought this over.
Once Makai had a maching, he was more than happy to work. He just needs a tool that looks enough like a gun and he can work all day. It took many hours to get the leaves, up, but today the year looks much better. A sign that winter is that much closer. Yikes!! |
Today we got a new bishopric. We were all big fans of our bishop, but we also know our new bishop is a great man. I actually know he has such a soft heart and tender testimony, so we will be blessed by him.
Now I need to dye Tyler and Kyle's hair because their team made it to playoffs. I guess that is what they do. But first I think I am going to take a nap. Thankful to be able to relax on Sunday Afternoons.
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