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Friday, March 1, 2019

Trey loves Basketball

Trey had a great season this year in basketball.  He grew so much since last season. His team is mostly kids from our ward.  It has been fun to watch them all improve.  

This free throw was a crazy free throw.  The team was down by one, but under pressure he made both free throws.  The whole crowd erupted in cheers when the ref blew the whistle and said the second free throw didn't count because someone behind him moved.  The game ended up going into overtime and the other team won.  He took it like a champ, but the call was bogus. 

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The dumb ref that called the stupid call that cost them the game.  I don't like this ref.  In fact, it was the only thing I didn't enjoy about this season was watching this guy run up and down the court blowing his whistle when he didn't need to.  Monty says we should be nice to him because it can't be easy to run up and down the court pregnant with twins.  

He can  handle the ball so well.  He doesn't need to look at while he dribbles it making him useful to his team.  And he's quick he can steal the ball like thief in the night.  


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