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Friday, April 18, 2008

House Pics

Okay Michelle--I finally got some pics of our house. I'm not sure you'll get any ideas, but you're right--our home is what we work so hard on so why not put some pictures of our favorite rooms.

So this is our front room. This is the room that I try to teach the boys to respect thus they aren't allowed to jump off the coffee table onto the couch like they do in the other room. They often have to be reminded, but we are working on it.

This is our kitchen--well that is pretty obvious. I started a sunflower theme back in Wyoming where I actually got to paint my walls because I loved the light brown with the yellow flowers, but now we are renting and there is no way I'm going to paint only to have to the white walls will do!Tyler and Kyle share a room and have turned into a transformer, lego, book and Star Wars paradise!! They were pretty excited to see I cleaned it up for them to take this picture! Anyway, I leave the books in the closet away from Trey who's new found love is emptying anything he can get his hands on!! It's actually kind of cute, but gets a little annoying!


Michelle said...

Yeah...I'm so glad to see the house. And look how clean the boys room is, didn't that make you feel good!! I love when thongs are clean , if only for a moment. Thanks for taking the challenge! Love ya!

Veronica Peterson said...

Your house still looks very nice. I like the big open space.

Ryan and Lizeth said...

Kristin I fell in love with your house the day I walked in. It still love it!!

Beth said...

Makes me want to clean up. Love the kitchen even if its just white!