My Blog List

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Thanks wife!

So, Kory is in this funny, cute stage where he likes to dress up like Prince Charming from Sleeping Beauty! So, he picked out this outfit the other night and grabbed his power ranger sword and set off saving me from dragons and witches and all kinds of other wicked stuff, but the funniest part came later that night when I told him it was time for dinner. He sat down to the table and said, "Hey, this looks good. Thanks wife." I just laughed as he called me "wife" a few more times that night. I finally asked him why he didn't call my princess and he said, "Because you aren't wearing a dress." I guess that means I'm only classified as a princess for three hours every Sunday!:)


Michelle said...

That is the best story I've heard in a long time! So cute!! Don't worry, you are still a princess!

Jennifer said... seem to have this making headers and template thing down to an art! Don't be surprised when I call you to make one for me okay, wife? :)

Love your story...Kory sounds like a pretty sweet guy!

Ryan and Lizeth said...

That is the cutest story I ever heard. Kory looks so cute in that pic.

love you guys