A year ago today I went into REAL labor with Trey. I was hoping he would be born today just because I thought it would be cool for him to be born on my grandpa Ed's birthday, but he took his time and came on the 23rd instead--his due date. Tomorrow is his big day and I can't believe how fast this year has gone and how thankful I am for my little man!! He is such a joy! We all just simply adore him! Yesterday I upgraded him to a frontward facing car seat and he was totally thrilled! It was so cute to see him so excited and pointing and everything he could see. So, at 12 months Trey can say momma, dadda, DA(which mean bird and dog), he can clap, stand(but is too afraid to take a step), he hates heights, loves to play in toilets, crawl up the stairs and then screams for me to get him down, LOVES his brothers, is finally starting to tolerate baths, will eat just about anything and everything and lots of it, has 8 teeth, and loves to dance to music. We love having you in our family Trey! Even if you STILL won't sleep through the night!
oh that's so fun! He doesn't love baths? Kaden LOVES them. But then, Raquel didn't either. Anyway, he sounds adorable!
I can't believe he's already going to be 1...time sure went fast. He is such a sweetie and blessing to the family. We love you Trey and hope you have a great first birthday!! xoxo
Ohhhhh...it's gone by too fast for me. Would someone please press pause!?
My nephew's wife is due tomorrow with their first baby! Maybe she can share a b-day with Trey!
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