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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween 2009!!

This year Halloween started off a little rocky. About three weeks ago I started asking the boys what they wanted to be. None of them had an answer! I wasn't sure what it would take for the boys to decide what they wanted to be. We took a trip to the good out storage unit and while in there I took down the Halloween bucket in hopes that maybe one of them would see an old costume from a previous year and fall in love. Sure enough Kory found a power ranger costume and he was sold! One down...three to go. Kyle was the next to decide. He saw Monty's old Air Force uniforms in the uniform bucket and after finding some dog tags and a camouflage hat he said, "I want to be an Army guy. I'm going to go as Tio."(his uncle Greg is in the Army and Kyle thinks it's really cool and prays for his safety all the time.) The week before I'd bought his some camouflage pants, so...two down!! (Kyle and Tyler spent just as much time hiding in the bushes as they did trick or treating.)
Trey often acts like Buzz Lightyear and when I found out that his friend from church was going as Woody, I knew Trey had to go as Buzz. I had great plans to buy him some wings, but by the time I made it to the store they were all out. He was content just wearing his Buzz PJ's. When he saw his friend 'Woody', they were all smiles and Trey truly played the part of Buzz.
Last, but not least was Tyler! Monday after school I took the boys to the costume store to try and help Tyler come up with what he wanted to be. Tyler takes a little bit after me and has trouble making decisions. He has to think and think and think and think before he can settle on anything. We couldn't find anything that he liked and I pretty worried. I gave him a few suggestions, but he wasn't sold on any of them. Finally, for some reason when we went down the party aisle he saw a dog tag and said, "I think I'll be an army guy like Kyle." We bought some army paint for their faces and he told me, "Mom...I just want mine green." So tonight I painted Kyle's face first. After painting Kyle's face Tyler said, "Mom, maybe you can put a few small spots of brown, but I want most of it green." I went ahead and let him be particular because I'm trying to be a better mom and not get frustrated by personality issues. Anyway, while I was painting his face(taking orders) he made me laugh when he said, "Mom, you know why I decided to put a few spots on the green?" After asking why he said, "Because I remember yesterday when I wouldn't spray my hair orange you told me to live a little. Besides, before long I might be doing this for my own son." Yeah, maybe I should have added to the whole live a little to BE LITTLE! Anyway, I was glad he 'lived a little'. Later when I was washing his face he told me he was glad he did it because it was a once in a lifetime experience. So serious! After the party we took one last picture. They were both sad to have to take their makeup off.
The boys with their loot.
Poor Trey, came home and went to sleep. He really isn't feeling well, but loved the idea of Halloween. He says 'trick or treat' so cute. This was the first year he really got the whole idea. I loved seeing his eyes after the first person he said 'trick or treat' to. You could just tell he was thinking...jackpot! Why didn't someone teach me this earlier! Hope you feel better soon buddy!!


Theodora Salanoa said...

Happy Holloween guys... You guys are the coolest looking army guys, buzz light year, and power ranger that I've ever seen.

James and Cindy said...

im glad the girls aren't old enough yet to decided what they want to be :) They all look great. I miss them

Jennifer said...

I love the did great face apinting!...and that orange spikey hair!?...and the sleeping Buzz! :)

Veronica Peterson said...

Tyler and Kyle are some awesome army guys. Korys hair looks cool. Trey goes well with being buzz. Fun Pictures:)

Beth said...

I'm glad they all ended up happy with their costumes. It can be a bit overwhelming the more kids you have. I'm going to remember the army guy costume. Glad your feeling better.

Michelle said...

I love them!!! What cute boys they are even when they are all decked out in their costumes!! :)

Mammy said...

Great costumes. It's fun to see them get into it so much! Happy Halloween!