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Wednesday, December 30, 2009 does a body good!

I took Makai to his two week appointment today. He's not quite two weeks, but close enough. Anyway...the verdict is he's growing!! He is already 10lbs 6 oz and 21 inches long. I can't believe he's growing so fast!! He still seems so small. Trying to enjoy every second I can say that!


The King Crew said...

Wow - that's some fast weight! Enjoy every moment, as we know it goes way too fast! Miss you guys and can't wait to see you all and meet the new man in your life!

Theodora Salanoa said...

Ahhhh... I miss you guys so much. I was telling TJ, "we have to hurry up and go back, I feel like we're missing out on too much of the boys lives." Thank God for those lame videos we took of the boys on our camera.... can't tell you how many times uncle TJ watched those. Anyhow, can't wait to see Makai in person...

Mammy said...

Show-off! What a life--eat, sleep, poop, sleep, eat, poop, poop, sleep, eat, any order is fine. He's gorgeous. I'm glad he's 21 inches. Another tall one. Congratulations. Keep on giving that cream! I love you!

Jennifer said...

LOVE it! :) I hope my baby is a good eater! I can't believe he's putting on weight so fast! Better him than you now right!? (totally kidding!)

Love ya!