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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Nana's Visit

It's been a year since we have seen Nana, but she was finally able to make it out for about a week.  We had a great week.  On Monty's day off we decided to take a hike.  What a beautiful hike it was. 
Trey found this flower and made a wish!  Have you ever seen a 'wishing flower' this big?

Monty was on Makai duty.  This was not an easy task that day.  He couldn't decide what he wanted.  One thing he did know was he DIDN'T want to be in this tree.

Makai hinting to Monty that he was ready for a piggy back ride.
His begging payed off.
Our amazing hikers.

Trey cooling off. 
Mission completion.  Happy hikers near the end of our journey. 

My favorite part of the hike was the creek.  We crossed it about 7 times.  Trey was scared on the way up, but on the way back he was sure to remind me every time that he could do it on his own.  Sure enough...he did.  We also saw about 30 butterflies.  They were all just beautiful.  The wild flowers were amazing as well.  There is just something about being outside that refreshes your soul.  We were however excited to get back to the car and eat the lunch I'd packed.  One other thing we love about tastes so good.

1 comment:

Candi said...

That's great Nana could come visit. I see you've got a couple other posts, so I'm looking forward to reading what else you've been up to. I have a friend who shared a quote with me once about how being indoors depletes our spirits, but being outdoors rejuvenates it. So true! And I know what you mean about the food on a hike. We always eat way more when we're outside!