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Saturday, May 4, 2019

Just because...

 I love these two little guys.  We often refer to them as the little boys, but they aren't so little anymore.  Trey is almost my height and Makai isn't far behind.  I do find it funny that they are built so differently and yet so perfectly.  Most of the time they get along and I'm so glad they have each other.  Our home is more fun because of their crazy!
Then there are these three.  I laughed that they were dressed alike.  Kory is catching up to Kyle in height, but Tyler is still the tallest of the boys.  We'll see if it stays that way.  Kory however, is now one of the big boys.  He's in his last few months of middle school.  I can't believe they are getting so old.  Most of the time these guys get along too.  They have had their rough patches.  To be honest there were some times this year that they weren't the best of friends, but at the moment they are in a good place.  They enjoy hanging out and make always make me smile.  They are always busy.  All three are busy with school and track.  Tyler and Kyle also go to seminary and work, so the moments we are all home a few and far between.  We cherish when we get to be together.

I love that although they could be anywhere in the house they all are all the same couch...together.

Tyler was at work, but the boys hanging out at the wedding reception.  

Always horsing around.  I love it.  Melts my heart!  

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