My Blog List

Monday, November 16, 2009


Friday, I had another ultrasound. I was happy to see that our baby is healthy and the cord is no longer around his neck...just around his shoulders. He wouldn't stop moving through the entire ultrasound, so we didn't get any good pictures. I took it as him being upset and fighting with the technician, but my mom said maybe he was just playing with her. I guess in a few weeks we'll see which one of us was right. In this case I'm hoping I'm wrong. Anyway, we also found out that he's not a small baby by any means. They are estimating him to be around 6 lbs already. (Kory wasn't even 6lbs when he was born!) When the doctor came in to discuss the ultrasound I believe his exact words were, "Well, you're carrying quite the load." Not the words every mother wants to hear when she still has 5 weeks to go. To ease my fears mom and I went to get some frozen yogurt afterward. Probably not the best thing, but it was sure good.

Saturday was a fun day. Tio was home from Georgia and we had a nice lunch with him. It was great to see him. He seems to be doing great in the Army, but I can tell he's missing being with his family and they miss him. Thankfully, he's almost done with training. Anyway, he had this desire to cook while he was home and we were all excited. It was the best lunch with Carne Asada, Guacamole, Tortillas, name it. During lunch I suggested we change Thanksgiving this year to Carne Asada instead of Turkey...after all...this is California. Anyway...we'll see if we really do it. Thanks for a wonderful lunch Greg! It was great to see you and we look forward to seeing you again soon.

Today Monty was released from the Bishopric. Last week they announced our ward was being dissolved. It was kind of a sad moment, but these things happen. Monty did a great job in the Bishopric and really grew to love the people of our ward. I'm thankful for his service and the good man he is. I wasn't able go to church today as three of our 4 boys were sick, but he gave me the lowdown on our new ward. I was also released from Nursery, but that was very welcomed on my part. It was getting a little difficult with this belly to do a good job in Nursery. I started singing 'head, shoulders, knees and knees' to the kids because I haven't seen my toes in ages!


James and Cindy said...

lol. I love reading your blog. Im sorry about the whole carrying a load and who cares if you went out for frozen yogurt afterwards. Isn't that better than ben and jerrys? Congrats on the release I know it wasn't your favorite calling.

Jennifer said...

Yay that Greg got to come home!Carne Asada sounds sooo good! Hmmm....that is a hard call between that and a traditional Thanksgiving dinner though...I don't love turkey...but I DO love pumpkin pie! :)

I love how you modified "head shoulders knees and toes" to not include the part about the toes you can't see! :) LOL!!!

Love ya and hope that baby really doesn't turn out to be as big as your doctor thinks he will!

Candi said...

Yeah, frozen yogurt is a great alternative. I count that as a healthy snack! As for Thanksgiving, there will be no turkey here. My brother always talks about carne asada. Must be a CA thing. Maybe sometime when I want to take a break from my vegan life I'll have to try it.

I'm sorry to hear about your ward dissolving. But I hope this frees up Monty's time. I know how busy that can get. Good luck to you all!

Veronica Peterson said...

It’s so great to know you are going to have a healthy baby boy. I'm glad you enjoyed the food. Greg really enjoyed cooking :) Best wish’s... on the last weeks of your pregnancy!

Beth said...

Your so close to done. Are you getting anxious?

Michelle said...

You crack me up girl!! Head, shoulders, kness and toes...

I second the Thanksgiving idea, I mean who really loves turkey anyways?! And what a gret lunch that was!! :)

Can't wait to meet the newest member of the family. :) Sure love you guys!!