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Thursday, April 18, 2013


Since Monday we have had nothing but snow!  This has caused some drama in our home due to the fact that the boys are in two different school districts.  Monday, Tyler didn't have school, but even if he had he would have been sent home early.  However, Kyle, Kory, and Trey's district is crazy and never cancels school.  Tuesday Tyler had late start, meaning school started two hours late.  This news had him skipping around the house and left Kyle in tears.  Wednesday morning left me n a pickle as Tyler had a snow day, but Kyle, Kory, and Trey did.  However, I felt like it really should have been a snow day so I let them all stay home.  I felt rather justified when the local university cancelled classes.  Anyway, I guess Kyle, Kory, and Trey's district must have gotten some beef for someone because today they got a snow day and it isn't even snowing.  I don't think today should be a snow day so I sent Tyler to school.  He wasn't to happy about this, but delt with it.  The boys are having fun playing in the snow today.  Oh the drama of childhood!

Outdoor slide!


Candi said...

We just cruise right on through those kind of hassles, but the problem is when the school district cancels school my kids think it should be a break for them as well. I don't think so! Yes, I understand childhood drama too.

Jennifer said...

Love the "slide"! :)

My kids would be in heaven! WE miss the snow!!! (have I told you that enough yet?)