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Monday, April 29, 2013

Bella and Madea

Meet Bella and Madea--the two newest additions.  The boys have wanted a pet for a long time.  I've wanted an outdoor pet, and they've wanted a bird, so two chickens were a good compromise.  We'll see how it goes.  Right now they are living inside until they feather, but once they are 5 weeks old they can be outside.  In about 5 months we'll have eggs!  We have had them for about two and a half weeks and they have grown so fast, but the boys are still enjoying them.  They take them out once a day to free roam in the back yard.  The chicks enjoy the time and so do the boys.  Bella is the light one and Madia(named by Trey)is the dark one.  Bella is growing faster than Madia.


Jennifer said...

How fun! You'll have to keep us posted on their progress and milestones. :)

Theodora Salanoa said...

Love it... You'll have to tell me if there is a girl named Madia in Trey's class 😜