Every year it comes and every year we are working on the cars at the last minute. Maybe next year I'll do better! I think part of the problem is that if you start too early the car will get ruined by the time race day comes. Yeah...that's why I wait till the last minute!:)
This year was Kory's first pinewood derby and Kyle's last. They each designed their own cars and dad helped them cut them out. They were happy with their cars when all was said and done. Kyle's was 'The Camero' and Kory's was-shoot, I'll have to ask him. Although they didn't win overall(those are always won by boys who's fathers make their cars for them) they did get several 1st place finishes and never came in last in a race. They both came home happy.
Painting and detailing |
I was rather impressed with Trey's memory from the year before. He drew a perfect picture of the pinewood derby. He was cute at the derby. He'd go up with the boys as they raced and give them high fives. Soon it will be your turn buddy!
So proud of your boys for making their own cars! That's got to beat anyone who doesn't do it themselves. And they'll go farther in life. You are such good parents.
I am sure Brandon will be the one making our boys cars...and helping them cheat to win. j/k Weston still has a good 2 1/2 years...so I am off the hook until then!
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