My Blog List

Sunday, April 7, 2013


During the younger boys spring break I took all the boys to the store to do grocery shopping for the week.  Kyle wanted to get a REAL coconut.  Being that I am such and adventurous mother(ha) I went ahead and let him.  When he got home he googled how to get the coconut opened, drain the water and then went all the way with figuring out how to make coconut milk!  Now the pressure was on because I had to figure out what to do with it.  We decided to try and make Panipopo (coconut bun) with fresh coconut milk.  Can I say it came out delicious!  We were so happy with the result- hence the smile! Thanks for the idea Kyle.  Now if we are ever on a deserted island you are a man I will stick close too!!


Candi said...

I drink a lot of coconut milk. Love that stuff! But I hate opening the coconuts. I just buy the stuff already made. I would love to have a boy around who's good at opening them!

Jennifer said...

Coconut water is the new healthy version of Gatorade. I don't like it though. My dr. told me I should drink it when I was first pregnant and feeling barfy...but it didn't help. Ask Kyle to find out the difference in making coconut water and coconut milk for me.

Veronica Peterson said...

Hey Kristin, it's always fun getting on your blog:) boys look all grown up. Way to go Kyle getting the coconut open. That's hard work:)