Kyle played the part of Samuel the Lamenite. He loved his part! He for told of the birth of Jesus Christ in 5 years. The other kids threw rocks at him(made of foil), but the Lord protected him and he was able to escape!
And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
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Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Nativity 2008
This year was our first annual Nativity with the grand kids. My mom did an awesome job getting costumes for all the kids. Erik wrote a cute script for the event and Greg and Veronica made an awesome Nativity. Oh, and I provided 4 handsome actors!:)
Kyle played the part of Samuel the Lamenite. He loved his part! He for told of the birth of Jesus Christ in 5 years. The other kids threw rocks at him(made of foil), but the Lord protected him and he was able to escape!
Tyler played the part of Joseph. He took his role very seriously. I sensed that he understood the reverence the part of Joseph should be given. Mia played the role of Mary and she took her part just as seriously.
Kyle played the part of Samuel the Lamenite. He loved his part! He for told of the birth of Jesus Christ in 5 years. The other kids threw rocks at him(made of foil), but the Lord protected him and he was able to escape!