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Monday, March 31, 2008

Monterey Bay Aquarium

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from our trip to the the Monterey Bay Aquarium last week. Monty had a day off--die of shock and we decided to enjoy our family day to the fullest.

While the other three boys were enjoying the splash zone Monty and Trey were just chillin' Kory getting attacked by an eel! Oh, maybe he's doing the attacking!
I totally love it when one of the boys puts their arms around each other! Kyle was being a wonderful big brother showing Kory the fish that looked like Dory!
Splash Zone fun--don't they look like they are having so much fun!:) HAH!
After the aquarium we took a stroll down Cannery Row and got a strawberry chocolate crape! It was so delicious. Then we took the boys to Dennis the Menace park. It's a park my parents use to take us to when we were little, so we are trying to keep the tradition alive. The boys loved it. The funnest part was watching them climb the rock wall. It was a lot of work and we even saw a few tears along the way because it was hard, but the success when they finally reached the top was worth it! I am kicking myself that I left my camera in the car, but oh well...we'll be back!

Poor Kory was so afraid of the huge bridge they have there. It's really long and takes a lot of courage to go across. I tired to get him to go across, but he wouldn't. So, I decided maybe next time. After being at the park for about and hour he was up at the bridge with Tyler and having so much fun he just started running across. Monty and I were down below and so proud of him, when just as he hit the middle some big kid ran onto the bridge causing it to swing back and forth. Kory stopped in his tracked grabbed onto the side and burst into tears. While heading up to resuce him I saw him putting out his arms to another dad on the bridge. The man was very nice and carried him to the other side. I kind of freaked me out that he went to a stranger so easily. I don't know that I've ever talked to him about strangers--either that or he was in survival mode and everything I taught him went out the window! We were proud of him for giving it a try! Go Kory!

On the way home a lady ran into Monty's car! We were parked and she didn't see us. She seemed really nice at the time and acted like she felt bad for what she did so we decided that when she called us we were going to just tell her not to worry about it, we'd fix the car, but she hasn't returned any of our phone calls, so now our hearts have been hardened and we are going to turn her in. How rude.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Boys and Bugs!

So ever since that Lizard got into our house the boys have been trying to catch another one. The other day Tyler didn't get a Lizard, but look what he did get! Hello, huge grasshopper. When he brought it into the house I about fell over! Fun times.

Yesterday we went to California Adventure--I had to get a picture of the boys "AS" bugs since they are enjoying real bugs so much this spring. I think these four bugs are the only bugs I want to see in my house from now on!

Kindergarten here we come!!

So, whenever I talked to Kyle about Kindergarten next year he'd say he wasn't excited. Why? Shots. He didn't want shots. Who could blame him!? Even I remember this horrible event and don't look back at it with fond memories! Well, we decided to just get them over with and you can see the joy on his face as he knows he doesn't have to get shots for a LONG time!

Oh, don't be fooled by the handsome smile! This was a rather traumatic event in Kyle's life. He was so worried and during the shots he was so funny because he said everything he was thinking. Some of the things he said while screaming at the top of his lungs, "This is worser than I thought it would be!" "I wish they never invented shots!" "This is the worst day of my whole life. I hate today!" I felt bad for him, but he survived. Afterward we took him to go get a milkshake and while in the drive thru he said, "Mom, I hope I never, ever, ever, ever(this went on for a while) have to get shots again!" Anyway, now he is so excited for Kindergarten I'm afraid August is going to take forever to get here!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Looking Sharp!

So, yesterday the boys looked so nice for church. I didn't have time to get a great photo, but I had to snap something. Kory was so excited to finally have a suit coat. He kept saying, "Mom, I'm a big boy huh." I would have tried to get another picture after church, but unfortunately they didn't look quite as sharp after church. Coats were off, ties everywhere. Still cute, but ready to change.
We had a nice Easter service. I'm so thankful for the Savior and His sacrifice. That he was willing to die for us all. I'm in ah of his love. I'm so thankful for his resurrection and the knowledge that we will one day be resurrected too. I love Easter and the chance we have to reflect on that miracle more deeply. In primary a woman told me of a tradition her mom used-- on Easter morning when shr woke her kids up, rather than saying.."wake up" like we always do, would say..."He has risen!" I totally love it and can't wait to do it next year.

We had a fun Easter egg hunt on Saturday with the primary kids. A lady in the ward even brought a baby lamb, baby goat, and baby chicks for all the kids to handle and pet. The kids loved it. We are all welcoming Spring very happily!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Lizard Fun!

So, today I was out with the boys in the backyard picking up leaves. Kyle and Kory were totally not into it so they kept going in and out, in and out. Well, shortly after we came in Kyle came up stairs and told me there was a lizard in the house. At first I thought it was a toy lizard because they are always playing games like that( you know putting plastic snakes it my bed...boy games). Anyway, so I went downstairs and sure enough we picked up a pillow from the couch and there was a lizard! I just had to laugh. I go a container and a paper and got him safely outside. Loads of fun. Lizard fun!:)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Beautiful Day for a Walk!

Tyler is on Spring Break and we are enjoying the time we have to relax a little. Today was a beautiful day and we needed to check the mail, so we decided to take a walk in the process since our mailbox is a hike in and of itself. Anyway, we had such a nice time. I let the boys pick what direction we'd go each time we hit a corner. They enjoyed being in charge and I had laugh inside because they went the way we always go. I guess we are all creatures of habit!! So, Trey really enjoyed his stroller today! When we finished our walk he was sound asleep and looked so cute, so I ran and got the camera, but by the time I got back he was awake!! I was a little bumbed, but it was okay, because he was having fun with the boys. So, I captured a different moment, but still a fun one. I love Spring!!

(Kory went with us, but he had to run into the house to go to the little mens room! I'm so proud of him.)

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Tyler!!

Saturday was Tylers 7th birthday! I can't believe he's 7, but I couldn't ask for a better 7 year old. He is a wonderful boy! Always so polite, helpful, loving, just a winner of a kid!! As we were busy Saturday at a family sealing we were unable to celebrate. However, Sunday after church my mom had a wonderful party planned for him. He enjoyed his gourmet peaunt butter and jelly sandwiches(exactly what he asked for) and a cake made by his uncle tio that was to die for!

He got some really fun gifts and is totally enjoying them today! Thanks everyone for helping Tyler to feel so special and loved. When we got home last night at 1:00am we woke him up to walk up to his bed since he is too big to carrry now and he said to me, "Mom, that was the best vacation of my whole life!" I'm so thankful he had a great time!

Happy 7th Birthday Tyler!! I Love You So Much!!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

What I have to work with!!

So, I'm thinking this blog is good for my anger meter. Yesterday Kory got into the blue marker and when I may have usually been upset, instead I just thought...better get a picture of this!:) I don't know that it was a good teaching moment however, because after I took the picture he went and got the marker and colored on himself some more! I guess I need to find the happy medium!

Since the camera was out I thought I'd try to get a picture I've been wanting for weeks. My sister in law has the cutest picture of her kids feet. When I saw it I totally wanted one of my boys. So, yesterday I sat them all down and decided to try it. HAH! What was I thinking! The boys were like on a total high! I was trying to get this perfect tranquil picture and they were...well not exactly in the mood. Anyway, finally I gave up took a quick shot(not exactly what I was hoping for) and then shot one of their cute crazy faces. They are becoming a little more than silly! I love them!!

Monday, March 10, 2008

It's official!!

So, on Saturday Trey saw my cell phone sitting on the floor across the room from where he was, so he got into position and crawled right to it! He's officially a crawler. I got it on video and hope to figure out how to put a video on this thing! We'll see. Just had to document him achievement! We are so proud of you Trey!!

Friday, March 7, 2008

These are the Moments that make it all worth it!!

So, at least once everyday something happens that helps me to realize that all this work is totally worth it. Today was no exception! There were two instances that my heart got all mushy.

Trey is almost on the go! He's just about crawling and even did a little today. He's usually anxiously engaged in something, but he always has time for dad. He and Monty are so in love! He can say "dada" and gets so excited to see his dad. I loved this moment today when the two of them were just enjoying being with one another. Priceless.

Later, Tyler and Kyle told me I couldn't come downstairs because they were working on something. Now, as anyone with kids knows...this could be a good or bad thing, but I decided to go ahead and run with it because good's Friday--feel the spirit. Anyway, I was glad I did because their little smiles when they presented me with a Transformer cup full of flowers was so special! I love their thoughtful hearts! I have such wonderful boys. I honestly don't know how I got so lucky!

(the third picture is just of my new hair cut. I told a few people I'd take a picture of it, so here it is. Tyler took the picture. He loves to take pictures. He's so sweet!)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Today was about as eventful as they come. It started with doing the dishes from last night that I was simply too tired to do the night before, (no wonder I always feel behind) and ended with putting Kory in his pajamas for a third time as he changed out of them the first time because he had to be a blue action figure, and got the second pair soaked in the sink playing with water. I tried to be patient, but I was too tired to laugh as ealier in the day he and Kyle had already taken a bath fully clothed. Boys! I should have taken a picture. Maybe in 10 years it will make me laugh...maybe.

Monday, March 3, 2008

So, I attempted this several months ago, but felt it was over my head, however...I guess in reality there is really not much to it. Seems fun. Thanks Michelle, thanks Beth, for the encouragment to continue it!!