My Blog List

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Makai turns 4

Makai turned 4 and I just can't believe it.  He is such a great little man.  He has a pretty easy going personality and is fun to spend the day with.  He likes attention, but is also known to go find a corner and play with toys by himself.  He is really into video games.  He loves Super Mario Brothers and talks about Halo, but won't be able to play that for like 11 more years!  I think he likes the toy because he can put them together.  For his birthday I let him go to Target and pick something out.  He choose this. 
I never would have picked this out for him, but he was happy with it.  

A couple days before his birthday Makai wrote his name for the first time in the right order.  We were pretty proud of him.  Great job big man!!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Christmas Program

Would Christmas really be Christmas without an elementary Christmas program.  This year we have three boys in Elementary school.  All their programs were on the same night.  I thought we were lucky, until I read the invite.  1st grade at 5:30, 3rd grade at 6:30. and 5th grade at 7:30.  I thought it would be perfect until I realize that each program was only about 15 minutes long and I had to just sit around and wait for the next program.  The kids songs were cute.  None of the boys were comfortable on stage.  I did see Kyle come out of his shell for a minute and pretend to play an electric guitar like a pro.  Kory hates to be looked at so if he saw me looking at him he would just roll his big gorgeous eyes at me.  Trey LOVES to be looked at and if anyone enjoyed the stage it was him.  However, he wouldn't do the hand motions.  He just stood with his hands in his pockets like a 'cool stud'.  It was a long night, and busy day.  We didn't have dinner till 9:30 that night, but some nights are just like that.
Kyle after his program

Feeling awkward with a bell in his hand as he only had to ring it once.  But looking cool!

Being patient waiting for all the programs.

Our handsome little man.  Don't be fooled by his cute face.  I had to tell him about 5 times to stop skidding along the gym floor in his church pants.  Oh, and he was so upset he had to wear blue pants because he doesn't have a black pair.  He didn't want to disappoint his teacher.  However, the blue worked out okay.  Kory 3rd grade

Not sure why he makes a funny face for every picture, but it is a trade mark.  Trey 1st grade.

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree...

This year we decided to do something we've never done before and go cut our own Christmas tree.  Let me tell was so much fun!  I've never had so much fun getting a tree.  There is a place here by the boy scout camp where you pay $10 and go cut your own tree.  So, we loaded up the kids with some hot chocolate and muffins and decided to make a day of it.  We did search for about an hour and then I found the perfect tree!  AHHH!!!  Monty and the boys cut it down while I sat in the car warming Makai's feet back up.  His boots leaked and since he was the smallest he sunk into the snow waist deep while the rest of us were only calf or thigh deep.  He had fun the first 20 minutes and spent the rest of the time on a stump or in the car.  Anyway, we did however underestimate the size of the tree.  I remember saying, "Yeah, and it's perfect for our house.  We have such a high ceiling." maybe not as high as I thought. 
Um...a little taller than we thought!  We laughed so hard. 

We had a blast decorating it.  It was Tyler's year to put on the star. (thankfully I kept a blog last year, so we went back and saw Makai did it last year.  Makai was convinced it was his year!  Or maybe he just thinks it's his job!)

So, the tree skirt got wet when the tree fell over in the middle of decorating it, so it's drying in the laundry room.  Other than that I think it turned out pretty good.  We will definitely be making this a tradition!  Next year we will however bring a measuring tape!