And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Never listen to the Furniture Guy
So, about 4 or so years ago we bought a dining room set. I wanted chairs without cushions because I didn't want them to get dirty. Of course, the guy at the furniture store told us, "Oh, you can get cushions, just pay EXTRA and get them with Scotch Guard. Things will wipe off. Being the naive person I was I decided to try it! For the record Scotch Guard didn't work! So every few months I would scrub and scrub these stupid chairs, but they never looked good. Last month I decided to not clean them, but re-cover them so I didn't clean them! Yes, this is just a month of yuck--actually a month and a half.
Well, a few weeks ago I went to the fabric store, found some fabric I liked and some plastic covering to go over it and I re-covered my chairs! Now I love them!! Oh, and for the record food does wipe of plastic!
Chopsticks...and some Peanut Butter
Kyle has wanted Chopsticks for quite some time now. For his birthday I found chopsticks with Owls on them! Several nights ago we had noodles so he could try out his new utensil and he loves them! He did a pretty good job for the first time.
Makai didn't need utensils...he just uses his fingers!
But I liked Trey's response the best. He wanted chopsticks, but I only got some for Kyle. Well, he left the table for a bit and came back with two colored pencils! He solved his own problem. He ate his noodles with colored pencils and well...they worked pretty well.
Earlier that same day I gave TREY a spoon full of peanut butter while I made lunch. I turned around from making sandwiches and saw this MONSTER!! Trey had given his spoon the Makai and he enjoyed it immensely! Crazy boy! Thank goodness he doesn't have a peanut allergy! Although, I'm not sure if any of it actually made it IN his mouth! Fun times.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Mission Completion
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Kyle Turns 8!
Kyle had what he said was, "My best birthday ever!" He woke up to several inches of snow...his dream come true! It snowed all day Sunday and he loved every second of it! We went to the store the night before to get apple pie, but ended up with Cheesecake. Because his birthday landed on a Sunday he got to meet with the Bishop for his Baptismal interview. He's excited to be baptized in March in California with all his cousins and grandparents present.
The other great thing about turning 8 was he is now a scout. Mammy and Grandpop got him his scout uniform and a compass along with a flashlight. He was super excited. Last night he went to his first scout meeting. He's already passed off everything for his bobcat so he'll get that at his first pack meeting. Good job Kyle.
When my parents were here last month Tyler said to my mom, "Mammy, remember when we were younger you use to send all of us a present when it was one of our birthdays?" Hint, hint.... Well, she took the hint and sent Tyler some Origami paper. He's had a ball making all kinds of bugs this week. One night he stayed up late teaching Kyle and Kory how to make a Caterpillar. It was so sweet I couldn't send them to bed. He's really got a knack for teaching and all the caterpillars turned out perfect. 
Kory got jumbo balloon's which he loved. He blew them up all night just to let the air come out and then would laugh and laugh.
Trey got this scuba toy! Notice the hugging. He hugged the guy all night.
Makai got a book. It is a perfect book for him all about parts of the body.
Mammy, next time Tyler hints just tell him, "Yeah I do remember that and when you were younger there weren't 5 of you!" That's what I would have said. That was really sweet of you.
It was an extra special day and we can't believe Kyle is 8! It's going to be a fun year!
Kory got jumbo balloon's which he loved. He blew them up all night just to let the air come out and then would laugh and laugh.
Trey got this scuba toy! Notice the hugging. He hugged the guy all night.
It was an extra special day and we can't believe Kyle is 8! It's going to be a fun year!