And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
It's Ridiculous!
Makai and Trey have been sick since Friday. To be honest it's super tiring to have sick kids! They always need something and are so whinny. Well, yesterday was Valentines Day and Makai and Trey were still sick, but I'd told Kyle that I was going to attend a party the 2nd graders where having for their parents for Valentines Day. As the time approached it became more evident that it just wasn't going to happen. Makai had woken up, but wouldn't stop crying, I'd tried to put Trey's shoes on and they weren't right so he was crying and Kory actually fell to sleep in his bed when I sent him there to think really hard about whether he had told me the truth or not about hitting Trey(two different stories~who do you believe?). Anyway, at this moment when I felt horrible for letting Kyle down, frustrated that Makai wouldn't stop crying and mad that Trey couldn't just be happy with how his shoes felt--I lost it! I admit it I started yelling at poor Trey. I threw his other shoe and told him to forget it and go to his room. I said some pretty mean stuff considering he was sick. I mean, yeah he was crying and whining the whole day(weekend), but he's sick and he's 3! Anyway, after he went to his bed, Makai stopped crying, I came to the reality that I was going to miss Kyle's party--I started to calm down a little. I went up to Trey's bed and told him I was so sorry. I never should have yelled at him. I tried to explain that I was frustrated and said, "It was just that I was frustrated by you whining and Makai crying, but I'm sorry. Do you like to hear mom whine?" I said this hoping that he'd make the connection that it's no fun to listen to someone whine. I think he did understand because he said, "No, I don't. It's RIDICULOUS!" So wise! I couldn't have said it better myself. Trey is a really bright kid. He is so forgiving and loving. I'm sorry buddy. For the record I'm doing better today. Making a more conscious effort to be patient. Being a mom is hard sometimes!
Monday, February 7, 2011
The other night Trey couldn't sleep because he'd taken a nap. Monty and I were watching a movie and I knew he'd come down, but you pick your battles right. He had taken a nap and he was being quiet so I really didn't mind. After our movie ended he said, "Mom, I have something to show you!" He was so excited, so I got up to come see what he'd made. Trey loves to make things with random objects. In case you haven't guessed, it is a queen! The dental floss is my crown. Oh, and I'm smiling which I thought was a nice touch. He was so proud of his creation.
The other day while driving he said to me, "Mom, you need a flower. When a flower grows again I will pick one for you, okay!" I couldn't ask for a better three year old. I love you Trey.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
First Snow Day!
So, today was our first official SNOW DAY...followed by a quick second. Tomorrow the boys get to stay home too!
When we took the boys to school Monday everything was so icy. I couldn't even begin to get the ice off the windshield. I tried, but it was too thick. Thankfully I'm married to SUPERMAN and he chipped away at it enough so we could drive safely. I thought he was going to break the windshield(which is cracked thanks to my stupidness, but that's another story.) I said to Monty, "They should at least make it a late start today don't ya think." When I picked Kory up from Kindergarten it was so cold all we could do was laugh and when I picked Kyle and Tyler up later in the afternoon they were frozen just walking to the car. Just when I'd lost all confidence that anyone knew what cold was in this State the phone rang and we got word that school was canceled for Tuesday. The boys were so excited!! After telling them it was canceled Monty told him he was just really wasn't. Kyle started crying. Poor kid. Then he told them again that it was, but Kyle was still skeptical. He pulled me aside about three times Monday night and said, "Mom, is school really canceled?" It wasn't till I said, "Kyle, if you don't believe me you can walk to school tomorrow, but I'm not taking you." Today when the school called saying school is canceled tomorrow too Monty told the boys again. They didn't know whether to believe him or not. I wonder why? Unfortunately for Monty school at CSU was still in session. He said it's a good thing he's brown and no one could see that his ears were really purple after walking to class.
So, why is school closed you wonder. How much snow do we have? Oh, about an inch-maybe! The snow is not the's just down right cold! Today's high was zero degrees. I ask you, can zero really be considered a high? Shouldn't it be called the 'least of the low', or something more along those lines. High just isn't working for me. Anyway, tonight I think it was somewhere around -10 last time I checked and suppose to get to -25 tonight. I know some places get a lot colder than that, but this is plenty cold for me and I'm more than happy that school has been canceled.
When we took the boys to school Monday everything was so icy. I couldn't even begin to get the ice off the windshield. I tried, but it was too thick. Thankfully I'm married to SUPERMAN and he chipped away at it enough so we could drive safely. I thought he was going to break the windshield(which is cracked thanks to my stupidness, but that's another story.) I said to Monty, "They should at least make it a late start today don't ya think." When I picked Kory up from Kindergarten it was so cold all we could do was laugh and when I picked Kyle and Tyler up later in the afternoon they were frozen just walking to the car. Just when I'd lost all confidence that anyone knew what cold was in this State the phone rang and we got word that school was canceled for Tuesday. The boys were so excited!! After telling them it was canceled Monty told him he was just really wasn't. Kyle started crying. Poor kid. Then he told them again that it was, but Kyle was still skeptical. He pulled me aside about three times Monday night and said, "Mom, is school really canceled?" It wasn't till I said, "Kyle, if you don't believe me you can walk to school tomorrow, but I'm not taking you." Today when the school called saying school is canceled tomorrow too Monty told the boys again. They didn't know whether to believe him or not. I wonder why? Unfortunately for Monty school at CSU was still in session. He said it's a good thing he's brown and no one could see that his ears were really purple after walking to class.
So, why is school closed you wonder. How much snow do we have? Oh, about an inch-maybe! The snow is not the's just down right cold! Today's high was zero degrees. I ask you, can zero really be considered a high? Shouldn't it be called the 'least of the low', or something more along those lines. High just isn't working for me. Anyway, tonight I think it was somewhere around -10 last time I checked and suppose to get to -25 tonight. I know some places get a lot colder than that, but this is plenty cold for me and I'm more than happy that school has been canceled.