And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Another Talker!
I was thinking the other day as I was sitting with Makai that I needed to write down a few of the words he is saying! I love it when kids start to talk and he's really starting to pick up the idea of talking. Now he has a new word just about everyday with is super fun. So...a few of his words: Hi, Bye, Mamma, Dadda, A Ball, Hot, Eat, diaper, Me, Dog, fish, Thank You(sometimes he repeats this), Go, No, Bee..these are the words that come to mind with little thinking. He can also growl like a Bear, and bark like a dog. Perhaps my absolute favorite however are his two phrases. Today when Monty came home from taking the older boys to scouts he said, "Hi Dad'. And when we drop Monty off at school Makai says, "Bye Dadda" as he waves. He can also say, "What (are) you doing?" Which when he's in the mood to ask he repeats over and over and over. Everyday when Monty comes home this is the first thing he asks Makai and I guess Makai likes it enough to copy. He also gets really excited when we understand him and repeat what he's said. We love him so much and can't believe how fast he's growing. He is a pro at walking now and has begun running. I could watch him run all day. He loves to "GO" and if I say it's time to go he's the first one to the door. He's a man up for any adventure...and growing up so fast.
Monday, April 11, 2011
What an unforgettable weekend! We are so proud of Kyle and his decision to be baptized. I feel so blessed that he could be baptized by his father. That made it extra special. When Monty baptized him I shed a tear or two. These two guys are so similar. Kyle is his fathers son! I honestly felt like Monty was baptizing a mini-Monty. They act alike, are built alike, think's awesome. Our wonderful bishop came to support Kyle.
He kindly took a family picture which I'm so excited to have.
Kyle is such a good boy. His sweet spirit is one we are so happy to have in our family.
He was nothing but smiles the entire day. But perfection and the gift of the Holy Ghost are two super great reasons to be extra happy.
Mammy and Grandpop were able to make it out for the weekend. He was super excited to have them here. They bought him a new tie in his favorite color, green, and after realizing he didn't have a journal to write about his day they bought him one of those too. He not only wrote about his experience, he drew about it. His Nana got him his own scriptures, but they spelled his name wrong, so he doesn't have them yet. Thanks for the thoughtful gifts as we celebrated Kyle's great decision.
As you can see it was a perfect day outside.
After the baptism Mammy and Grandpop took us out to eat at Kyle's choice, Cafe Mexicali, and then we went on a fun hike in the mountains. Kyle loves to be outside and one with nature. Ending the day with some amazingly great spaghetti(not Kyle's favorite, but Tyler's) and peach cobbler and ice cream for dessert made it truly the perfect day!! Congratulations Kyle!