Of course, our children are more creative than I am, so after I was done they added a few things to him. A weapon and tattoo. I have to say it did add to his ensemble. Great job boys. |
And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Monday, January 30, 2012
New Zealand
Kyle had a school project last week to learn about New Zealand. Well, actually, he choose New Zealand. The funnest part was making this little guy. I believe he named it, but I forget what it is named. We had a fun time working on it together. At first I was a little upset that we had to do the front and back. That kinda threw me off. I was only use to doing the front of things. However, for the record, his backside is just as cool!!:)
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Since we came home from California I decided it was time for Makai to start using his words. When the rest of our kids were his age they used their 'words' a whole lot better than he does. It was a fight for a few days, but he has begun using his words. Now, instead of crying, he sometimes asks for what he wants! It's usually, apple juice, granola bar, cheese, or fruit snacks. Anyway, it's been funny because now that he is starting to talk I am understanding what he wants and when I repeat to him what he's asked for he raises one hand high in the air and screams, "YES!!" It's like this excitement that he's being understood. I'm tell you we feel the excitement too! Words a powerful and much easier to figure out than crying. He also has a new favorite show. It's a short little dvd called Imagine X that came with some toy we bought years ago for Trey. Every morning after breakfast he says, "Watch Imagine X?" Now, when he plays with the toy planes from the show he acts out the scenes from the movie. Yesterday I head him say, "Steady, steady, got ya!" Or something like that. The older boys say it's from the show. He also likes to bring me things and ask, "What's this?" Then he walks away saying what it is. A couple nights ago we were in the car waiting for Tyler and Kyle to finish up scouts and he grabbed the keys and asked, "What's this?" Quickly followed by, "KEYS!" He answered his own question and was thrilled with himself. We love talkers. I feel like screaming, "YES" every time he uses his words! Thanks Makai for deciding to talk.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
After visiting California Makai's nap schedule was kind of thrown out the window. I knew we had a problem when I put him in bed the first night we got home and he cried, no screamed, until he finally threw up. The next day when I put him down for a nap he did the same thing. The next day he did the same thing. Only this time I think even he was grossed out. When I was taking his clothes off he was discussed I could tell. Anyway, after that I decided to just stop trying to put him down for a while. I figured if he wanted to stay up that bad, fine. Easier than dealing with a mess. He did pretty well for about 2 days without a nap, but then he started dropping.
This night we were headed out the door obviously, when he just dropped. Fell asleep sitting straight up.
Lucky for me, he still needs a nap. Now he's going down for naps better, but when he wakes up he cries for about 20 minutes. This particular day after waking he went to Monty and slept for another half hour or so. He woke up so happy. Wish Monty was home everyday--he won't do this on me. However, I finally found that if I read to him right when he wakes up he stops crying in less time. I'm just glad he's still taking a nap. I was worried those days were over and I'm not ready for that.
This night we were headed out the door obviously, when he just dropped. Fell asleep sitting straight up.
Lucky for me, he still needs a nap. Now he's going down for naps better, but when he wakes up he cries for about 20 minutes. This particular day after waking he went to Monty and slept for another half hour or so. He woke up so happy. Wish Monty was home everyday--he won't do this on me. However, I finally found that if I read to him right when he wakes up he stops crying in less time. I'm just glad he's still taking a nap. I was worried those days were over and I'm not ready for that.
The Land of Play
Remember what it was like to be a kid. Trey has such an imagination. He is always playing something. While we were in California Trey was playing with my brother Erik and loving it. They seem to have the same mind. If he could have Erik to play with everyday he'd be a happy boy. Instead me got me and I'm kinda good for about 10 minutes. Then I always come up with something I need to get done.
If you notice in the picture. Trey has a light saber in each of his belt loops and one in his hand. He has a watch so he can communicate with the other Jedi, and me Padame. I love that he has an imagination, but sometimes I force him to be Trey because I miss him just being him.
I love when Makai and Trey play together. The other day I made them a fort in Trey's bed and they had fun for a while. until Makai started to pulling down the blankets and Trey went completely crazy with anger. It was fun while it lasted though.
If you notice in the picture. Trey has a light saber in each of his belt loops and one in his hand. He has a watch so he can communicate with the other Jedi, and me Padame. I love that he has an imagination, but sometimes I force him to be Trey because I miss him just being him.
I love when Makai and Trey play together. The other day I made them a fort in Trey's bed and they had fun for a while. until Makai started to pulling down the blankets and Trey went completely crazy with anger. It was fun while it lasted though.
Kory--creative and scientific
Kory is growing up and getting his own passions. He is really into Harry Potter right now for some reason. He wears the Harry Potter outfit I made for Tyler a few Halloweens ago and looks...well, just like Harry.
I am amazed and how long he can sit at the table and draw. Here he is copying the cover of the first Harry Potter. |
Minus the mission R in Harry I'd say it's an exact copy. I watched him do it or I'd swear he traced it. |
Of course, no Harry is complete without a Lego wand. |
For Christmas Mammy got Kory a volcano kit. He was so exited to make it. I love his face in this picture. So serious. |
There she blows. |
Monday, January 9, 2012
Kyle-- 9!
I don't know why kids just think they need to keep getting older! Kyle is officially 9! Kinda hard to believe for me because seems like only yesterday...you've heard it before, but it's so true. I can honestly say our house would be lacking a great grand adventure without Kyle. Kyle is such a positive, sweet, smart, wholesome, funny, clever, and thoughtful(to name a few) boy! While we were eating cake we all took a turn to say what we love about Kyle. Monty said he appreciates how thoughtful Kyle is. When Monty gets home from work Kyle always asks him how his day went and if anyone wanted to buy an elevator. I started crying of course as I thought of him and how much I love his sweet, gentle spirit. I couldn't help but think about the first time I held him and how I instantly fell in love and that he is even more amazing than I dreamed he'd be. Trey said he liked that Kyle will always play with him. Kory said he is nice. I forget what Tyler said?
Kyle loves cheesecake. He gets one every year. In fact, it's probably the only time we get one, but they are always so good. Looking forward to another amazing year Kyle. Thanks for being so wonderful.
Kyle loves cheesecake. He gets one every year. In fact, it's probably the only time we get one, but they are always so good. Looking forward to another amazing year Kyle. Thanks for being so wonderful.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Cali for Christmas
We decided to go to California for Christmas. It had been a while(over a year and a half)since we'd seen our families. I didn't take as many pictures as I'd wished, but we enjoyed our visit. We were able to see most of our family with only the exception of Marci, who was sick and Greg's family who are in Hawaii. I was excited that uncle Ted and Grandma Carole came down for Christmas too. Christmas Eve was such a fun night. We had Pizza and root beer floats(with some awesome root beer Ted brought called So-Duh made by a friend of his in northern California.) Then each of the families did a little talent or skit and the kids participated in the Christmas Story play. Tyler was Samuel, Kyle was a wise man, Kory was Joseph and Trey and Makai were shepherds. It was super cute. The kids got along really well with their cousins. It was fun to see how quickly they began playing even after so much time. Each of the cousins have matured and grown up so much. We also got to meet the latest addition, Eli...I mean 'Rocky', no Eli...no 'Rocky'. Well, it's one of those. (Now we just need to meet Carl.) Christmas Eve was a wonderful evening.
Then we headed to Nana's to spend Christmas morning with Nana and James family. The kids had fun opening presents together. Nana did all the shopping for Christmas and the boys loved her gifts. Makai opened the first gift of Christmas.
Then Julie and Emjae. They both got dress up outfits. I had to laugh. Emjae loved her dress up outfit and wore it most of the day in fact. However, Julie was only interested in the Chocolate from her stocking. They each have such different personalities. The other good part was it was easy to keep our toys separate...girl toys theirs, boy toys ours!

The other boys needed no introduction to the ocean. They were so ecstatic to be there. Never have you seen such excitement.
We love Colorado, but we still MISS the beach!:)
The following evening we spent with Nana. The only day of our visit she wasn't sick. Then we went to see Andy and Nikki and enjoyed an evening with Nikki's sister and kids as well. Then we saw Grandpa Tini. Although it was short we enjoyed the visit. On the way home we stopped to see Uncle Tj and Auntie Dora. They were true sports as Trey was sick and threw up in their house a couple times. They were so kind and we felt so bad--so sorry you guys. They got the boys some wood puzzles which they love and taught us about couponing. They are champs at it. They hooked us up with some fun stuff when we left. Thanks. That night we stayed in Saint George and slept on a bed that felt like a cloud! The next morning we stopped by my grandma's for about an hour to say hi and then finished the night taking Monty's sister out to dinner. The next morning we traveled home with a few more sick kids, but all was well. There were many tender mercies making the trip possible and we loved seeing everyone again. Great trip.
Then we headed to Nana's to spend Christmas morning with Nana and James family. The kids had fun opening presents together. Nana did all the shopping for Christmas and the boys loved her gifts. Makai opened the first gift of Christmas.
One of our favorite parts of the trip was the day we took the boys to the beach. Monty found an awesome beach that neither of us had ever been to, but we will go to again. I was surprised by how warm it was. I packed so wrong for the week. Mind you the week I packed it was FREEZING here. When we got to California they were having a warm spell. The kids were dying for shorts. Kory said, "Mom, can you promise that next time we come to California you'll pack us some shorts." I told him, "Sure, next time we come to California he can pack his own stuff!" Anyway, I digress...the beach was beautiful. Monty and I have said several times we love Colorado, but we MISS the beach. It was so wonderful to see it again. This was Makai's first trip to the beach, well, he went when he was super little like 5 months, but his first trip since then. He was not sure of the idea at first.
Notice his the uneasiness in his face. |
Dad to the rescue trying to teach him the joys of the ocean. |
Still unsure of the idea. |
I love his face in this picture. It's his new face and in this photo it screams, "What in the world? Should I try it?" |
Slowly but surely he inched his way... |
Until he was jumping and splashing and laughing just like his brothers. |
(Notice his car...a.k.a. his security blanket. We tried to take it several times worried he would drop it and would end up out to sea, but he wouldn't let go.) |
The other boys needed no introduction to the ocean. They were so ecstatic to be there. Never have you seen such excitement.
For the record the water was freezing! The didn't mind one bit!! |
JOY! |
Trey was in heaven! |
I LOVE this picture. Kyle showing Tyler something on the rock with Trey and Kory playing in the background. This moment made my day! |
The Fab Five!! |
I never want to forget this moment. Great kids. |
The following evening we spent with Nana. The only day of our visit she wasn't sick. Then we went to see Andy and Nikki and enjoyed an evening with Nikki's sister and kids as well. Then we saw Grandpa Tini. Although it was short we enjoyed the visit. On the way home we stopped to see Uncle Tj and Auntie Dora. They were true sports as Trey was sick and threw up in their house a couple times. They were so kind and we felt so bad--so sorry you guys. They got the boys some wood puzzles which they love and taught us about couponing. They are champs at it. They hooked us up with some fun stuff when we left. Thanks. That night we stayed in Saint George and slept on a bed that felt like a cloud! The next morning we stopped by my grandma's for about an hour to say hi and then finished the night taking Monty's sister out to dinner. The next morning we traveled home with a few more sick kids, but all was well. There were many tender mercies making the trip possible and we loved seeing everyone again. Great trip.