It's good to know that we have our first science project under our belts. Tyler had to do a project this year. We thought it was due in March, but were told by Tyler that they changed the date to the end of Jan. so that put us in a little crunch. Tyler really wanted to make a battery for his project and no matter what I said he wouldn't change it! So, his question was--"Does the Acid in Fruits conduct more electricity than the acids found in vegetables?" So we took a zinc nail and a copper penny and made a battery out of three fruits: a lemon, orange, and apple. Then we did the same things with the veggies: an onion, potato, and cucumber. Then we tested the voltage in each of them.
Tony, a friend of ours that Monty works with came over to help with the experiment. He was really kind to help out and spend the evening helping Tyler. |
I think it took like 3 lemons to light the LED. |
Then we tested the ph balance of each of the fruits and veggies. The potato was the most basic and had the most voltage with almost a volt in just one potato. So, if you ever need to make a battery out of food, be sure you have potatoes. But, we have heard that strawberries are good to, so we want to try them. We just need to to get all the equipment back! We'd have to get Tony on board. :) Anyway, Tyler just got word that his project made it to district. We actually had fun doing the project and Tyler did a good bit of it on his own. He needed some help staying focused of course, but we were proud of his work.