The last shall be first and the first shall be last!! Apparently Makai wanted to be like Tyler. When Tyler was a little younger than Makai he got into the bag balm and I couldn't get it out. Well, tonight while I was talking with our neighbor Makai got into the Petroleum Jelly and coated his hair. When I saw him my first words were, "Makai...that's not water is it?" He said, "NOPE" URRRR.
I decided to try and google how to remove petroleum jelly from hair. Well, the first sight said, 'The 14 step process to getting petroleum jelly out of hair.' I also couldn't help but think...are you kidding me!!? Since one of the steps called for Whiskey and I don't have that on hand I went to another sight that said to try Corn Starch, Peanut we tried that.
The picture makes him look like a lost boy, but actually I used chunky peanut butter and he'd just eaten a chocolate chip cookie fresh out of the oven. He was actually quite happy. |
After trying a failing with both of them I used my ONE STEP METHOD to getting petroleum jelly out of your hair.
He was so big for his hair cut! I just cut his hair earlier this week and actually was really liking his hair cut, so I was the one crying between the two of us. |
He was so curious and just kept saying, "I getting a hair cut mamma". |
Of course, I had to get a picture of me with him because I kept my cool the whole time! |
And now our youngest son looks like a Chinese Monk! |
The whole experience took me back about 10 years ago when Tyler did the same thing. What a found most interesting was the difference between the way Tyler and Makai handled the situation. When Tyler did the same thing he cried for an hour or so. Makai was totally unfazed by the whole situation. He just went with it. Accepted what he did and accepted everything. I talked to Tyler about it and he said, "Yeah, I don't like to do bad things." It's so true. Tyler is a pleaser. I love that about him. Apparently Makai doesn't take life as seriously, and I sure love him too!!