And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Monday, March 31, 2014
Trey came home from school and brought with his these 'originals'. When I saw them I didn't think much of them and was about to send them right to the trash. However, then I decided to ask him what they were. There is also a 4th one that looks like a Christmas tree. He then said, as if I should have known, "Mom, they are things that are important to me. The tree is for Christmas because that's Christ Birthday. Then I made the scriptures(the green one), the church(the one in the middle) and the Holy Ghost(the colorful little person)." Suddenly they were the sweetest little 'original' creations. Unfortunately I didn't get a change to tell Monty what they were until it was too late, but I still have the Christmas Tree which I think I'll put with our Christmas stuff. Thankfully, I got a picture though! Trey, I am glad you know how important these things are!!
Monday, March 17, 2014
Tyler's Dragon
Tyler turned 13 this month! Can't believe we have a teenager! I joked with Monty that now we are officially parents because we have a teenager. He is the best teenager anyone could ask for. Such a good natured kid. And let me tell you he can clean a kitchen!! It takes him a while, but when he's done it looks so nice!!(To his future wife: You're welcome!) So, he spent his birthday on a scout camp out. They went to Wyoming and went sledding. He had a blast. Then he came home and we had a crab boil and pie. Tyler is not that big of a cake guy, but loves pie. For his birthday we decided get him a bearded dragon. He has wanted one for quite some time now. When he opened the note that said, 'Lets go get a bearded dragon' I cried because he was so surprised and happy. Tyler is a pretty even tempered and sometimes doesn't show a lot of emotion. If he is happy sometimes you don't know. If he is mad sometimes you don't know. However, the moment he opened that letter I KNEW he was happy!! It was priceless. So, we went to the store and when he saw his dragon he KNEW! He said, "That's it!!" It was the smallest one and rather cute. He has enjoyed having 'it'. However, he won't name it till we know if it's a boy or a girl.
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The new Pet |
Love this boy!! |
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Makai is such a fun kid. The past few days he has done some things that have made me laugh. First, take note that the boy loves MARIO from Super Mario Bros. Monday we were attending a class at the hospital that we signed up for that encourages a healthier lifestyle. Makai is too young so he attends a daycare type class. The lady in the class made him a paper airplane and asked him to spell his name so she could put it one the plane. He told her, "M-a-r-i-o". I laughed when I saw the plane and he just said, "Mom, I like to be Mario!" I was impressed he could spell it.
Makai has known his letters and their sounds since he was two. However, making that next big jump to putting them into words is not coming easily. It is painful as he sits by the word PIG for example and sounds it out perfectly, but can't quiet get the word. Well tonight we were trying again and after about 5minutes working on the word FAT he actually got it! We were so excited for him and he was pretty happy. Later I even asked him to spell FAT and he did. Anyway, there is hope.
Monty then decided to test him on his shapes. He didn't know many, but when Monty drew a rectangle Makai screamed, "a TV shape!" He couldn't figure out why we were all laughing, after all he was right.
Funny kid! Love him so much!