I can't believe Trey is 8! How did that happen. I must say however that Trey gets to be more and more fun with each passing year. Trey has a wonderful, fun personality these days. He is 100% boy. He love rugby, football, basketball, swimming. He does not cry nearly as much as he use to about his shoes not being tights enough or his pants not being tight enough. He is doing a good job helping and does his job of sweeping the kitchen very well. He is very loving and hates for others to get in trouble. Often if someone is getting in trouble he will say, "No, mom. It's okay. I don't mind." I then have to tell them that it isn't okay for people to be mean. I love his sweet heart.
For his 8th Birthday we went to Mount Rushmore for the weekend. Although it was a cold weekend and we didn't get to go fishing we managed to have a fun time.
Our Handsome man is 8!! |
When he saw this rubber band gun he knew this is what he wanted for his birthday!! |
The 5 best Boys in the universe!! |
Mount Rushmore is still there and looks the same as last year! LOL |
The boys were totally cheeped out by this fake old lady. She shook. Makai wanted nothing to do with it. |
We had a really fun weekend. We visited a cave, walked around Hill City and got some amazing shakes to celebrate Trey's birthday. It was raining so hard that there were flood warnings all weekend, but we made the most of it.
We went to Mount Rushmore with some friends from Fort Collins and enjoyed our weekend with them.