I love how he sticks out his tongue while he works and thinks. |
Makai and his birthday! Makai talks about his birthday about every single day for MONTHS. He is always asking for something for his birthday. A few months ago he asked if he could change his name. I told him he could for his birthday. Then when he realized it was going to be one of his presents he changed his mind. Each day he wants something different, so for Makai we let him pick out his own gifts for his birthday. He loves to go to the store and look down the isle. This year he bought four lego sets. Afterward he came home and spent the rest of the night following the directions perfectly to make the set. He stayed focused for hours. He reminds me of Tyler when he was younger.
Makai is a pretty fun kid. He is loving school and doing well. However, he complains every single day when I wake him up complaining he is still tired. He HATES to go to bed a night. I can tell already he is a night owl and not a morning guy. He likes to get what he wants. If he gets an answer he doesn't like he will keep asking till he gets what he wants. He tries to figure out ways to do this by changing the situation. For example, "Mom can I have a cookie?". If I say no he will say, "Can I have a cookie if I take out the recycles?" Or "What if I eat a banana, then can I have a cookie?" He doesn't do it in a mean way, or every a spoiled way. He just knows what he wants and is going to try more than one way to get it. So many times I have to just give him an answer and explain that is my answer!!
Makai loves Nachos. They are his favorite meal. He loves to play outside, but does not mess around with cold or humidity though. If it is snowy he doesn't want to go outside and if it is humid he wants nothing to do with being outside. We never have to wonder what Makai is thinking because he says everything he is thinking. He is not afraid to talk to strangers. Everyone is his friend. While at the park he might see a kid 12 yrs old and want to play or a kid 2 yrs old and want to play.
All around we are so happy to have him in our home. He still loves to be cuddled, which I love as he is my little buddy. If we let him he would sleep with us every night, but he is too big!! He usually sleeps with Trey. Trey is a good sport and lets him His new job is to take out the recycles and he is pretty good at doing it without being asked. Of course, he always says, "Mom, look what I am doing."
We love you Makai!! Happy 6th birthday! Thanks for being a wonderful boy. You're awesome.