This year has brought big changes in our home. We finally told the two older boys they could play football! They both earned it by doing well in school last year. We try to remind them that they are student first--before NFL football stars!! Tyler made the JV team and did well. It consumed so much of his time. Everyday, including Saturdays he has had practice. He had a JV game every week and he is required to attend all Varsity games as well and suit up. The school is a class b school so they send all of the football players to the game. He LOVES it. He played both defense and offense as a blocker. It isn't his choice position of tight end, but they don't have a tight end at his school. His first game was pretty hard for me to watch. He looked so timid and uncomfortable. But by the end of the season he looked anxious to get out on the field and PLAY the game. We are very proud of how much he learned and his dedication to the team. But what we are even more proud of is the Young MAN he is becoming. He still manages to get himself up for seminary and stay on top of all his homework and classwork. I am honestly not sure how he is doing it. He never complains and just does it. He is taking Chemistry this year and has learned he LOVES chemistry. Because we changed districts he is the only sophomore in a class of Juniors, but he holds his own. I am really glad he understands it! His least favorite class is Spanish.

Kyle LOVES football as well. He played offense and defense blocker as well. He has no problem bashing anyone and everyone who gets in his way! He seemed to enjoy the bruises he'd come home with after every game and would often say how much they hurt, but I knew he just wanted to show them off and he loved every minute of it, because when I'd say, "well, maybe you shouldn't play," He'd quickly change the subject!
Kyle is also just a great kid. He can be a little beast mode on the field, but off the field I am thankful for the good YM he is. He is respectful to his teachers and we are thankful for him in our home. He had practice everyday as well, but not Saturdays, but he never complained. I could tell that his teammates really enjoy him and also his coaches.
At times it was pretty crazy getting the boys too and from school, practice, games and keeping everything else going, but we are very proud of them. Look forward to when they will get to play together in a couple years! ROLL STORM!!