So, we are still in quarantine, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel for now. Monday, non essential stores here in Nebraska started to open. Some stores are requiring masks, others are limiting the number of customers in the store at one time, but they are starting to open. Some restaurants are opening at half capacity, and limiting groups to 6 or less. We haven't really gone anywhere but the grocery store and Lowe's since this all started. Nebraska never required Masks, but most people wear them. We still haven't worn them, but Tyler does have to wear one while at work. I personally hate wearing masks, so I don't. Our cases were pretty low here, but they think with places opening up we might have an increase in cases. We shall see. I still don't know anyone who has gotten it. Okay, one guy, but he lives in California. There is a lot of contention right now in politics about whether or not be even had to quarantine or if this is all a political stunt. Personally, the political side just makes me mad. I don't even like to listen to either side because it's a lot of fighting. They both want to be right and I honestly feel that we really don't know what could have happened if we didn't quarantine, so it's not worth the fight. We were dealing with something that was potentially very dangerous, so precautions needed to be made. Besides, there are some parts of quarantine I really enjoyed. It was rather nice to not have to run to a million different places everyday, or sometimes just to sit and watch tv and not feel like I needed to be somewhere. So...rather than waist my energy on figuring which political party is 100% right or 100% wrong, I'm just focusing on the enjoyment I felt during quarantine and being thankful no one in my family has died for gotten ill from covid-19.
So, during this time in quarantine we've managed to stay busy. We've cooked a lot of fun meals and deserts. We have run quite a bit on several trails and round many lakes. One night Monty and I ran 7 miles at midnight. The boys went camping in the backyard, complete with a campfire and ghost stories, and watched some fun movies. Worked out in the gym in our garage. Drawn and painted a couple pictures. Built a Lego ship. And I've organized a few closets. It's actually been very nice.
At the store after a night run. Monty was pretty sweaty so people didn't come near us for fear he had a fever. This day we also picked up some groceries for one of out neighbors. They don't like to go to the store because they are older. We were happy to help this day. |
We took a walk around Bennigton Lake as a family. These boys had a good time talking and showing off their abs. |
Makai really wanted to camp outside, so Kyle decided to make his dream come true. Kory, Trey, Kyle and Makai slept outside. The problem was they got cold, but Makai loved it. |
They built a campfire and burned all the branches that have fallen from the trees and even the plastic topper(that was an accident). They listened to a ghost story because they couldn't think of one and had a fun night. |
Dad bought Makai this plane and he enjoyed flying it outside. When you buy him things he can put together and play with he is in heaven. the background you see Trey on the piano. Trey has enjoyed fidgeting on the Piano during quarantine. He's learned the beginnings to a few songs. He still doesn't want lessons, but he does enjoy learning what he can. |
We went fishing and Kyle caught this guy. He released him of course. The fun was in catching it. No one else had any luck this day. |
The following day the boys went to the lake right by our house and had a blast catching fish. They all caught one!
I love this picture of Makai. He loves animals, so I can see his tenderness. Of course, he released it. |
Trey caught this bad boy! Pretty nice catch!! |
Kory was mad because Trey actually almost made him kiss it after the picture. He should have known better than to pose for this kind of picture with Trey! Trey is a COMPLETE joker!!! |
This day Kyle caught a baby! |
Nice catch Kory! |
Makai has slept in this tent since the night they camped outside. He couldn't camp outside after the first night because the other boys didn't sleep so well outside, so he has this tent in his room and has been sleeping in it for weeks. He is more than happy camping out every night.
Food has been a big part of quarantine. We don't really miss going out to eat because we've made so many fun meals at home.
Cinnamon rolls for conference |
Makai make himself a mean breakfast many mornings. The kid doesn't mess around when it comes to food. He loves omelets, and loves making a tortilla to go with it. On this day he added goldfish. When I asked him why he said, "Everything is better with Goldfish". |
We've eaten all kinds of Asian cuisine and gone through a few bottles of this! We even put it in Spaghetti on night and it was delicious! We've made Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and Thai. |
Kyle pretty much made this Orange Chicken by himself! It was really tasty! We try and have the kids cook sometimes. This night Kyle got really into it and it was well worth his time! |
FIRE!! |
Chocolate Haupia Pie was a favorite dessert! It turned out really good. I also made Malasadas twice and they were a hit. Once Makai helped and the second time Kyle helped. |
Kyle helped make this meal as well. Dad made the pico de gallo, and taught me how to make Spanish rice. Dad watches a lot of cooking shows and has found some really great recipies. This Spanish rice makes a meal. And the Chalupas were a hit.
School during quarantine has had it's ups and downs. The older boys do a pretty good job with their zoom classes. Makai struggles and needs help with most assignments. However, we usually enjoy the time together and when he puts him mind to it, he does a good job. He just has to get in the game and sometimes that takes time.
I enjoyed distance learning for the most part. I mean, not having to drive to class, find a parking spot and then sit in traffic on the way home was super nice. My semester ended last week. Next semester starts in June. So...this month is just a chance to study for the Praxis II. I was suppose to take it tomorrow, but the testing centers are still closed, so it was postponed. Now I get to take in at home in June. I'll take it the week before classes start up again. Monty is also waiting to take a test, but testing centers are closed. They are not allowing students into the hospital, so he's just been studying as well.
I guess you could say we've enjoyed this break. I think things are headed back to a 'new normal'. We'll see what that brings. But, I am thankful for this time we've had to just be a family and do our own thing. We can keep ourselves busy. I will say this is doable because of the internet. Yesterday the internet went down for about 4 hours. I thought the boys were going to kill each other! Seriously. They played outside for a little bit, yelled at each other a lot, and kept the internet working yet? I'm thankful we've had the internet.