Monty, Kyle and I were out at the Asian Market this week when we saw something we'd never seen before--Frogs for sale--to EAT!! We did NOT buy one, but when we got home Makai was so sad we didn't buy one for a pet. I can honestly say I'd have to be VERY hungry to eat these little guys. The Asian Market never disappoints.
And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Monday, December 28, 2020
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
Ice Skating and Glasses are not a good mix.
Saturday, December 19, 2020
Makai 11
Makai had a birthday. He loves his birthday each year and talks about it for weeks and days before asking me countless times if I've gotten his gifts and am ready for his birthday. Of course, I got him gifts, but always toy around with him saying things like, "Oh, is your birthday coming up? I've halfway gotten your presents. But I will get to it, I promise." Getting him gifts are pretty easy because he tells me what he wants, but this year I nailed it. I found him a couple things that he didn't ask for, but loved. 
We got him his Lego set he had been asking for for week. We finally adopted a Baby Yoda, got him a Roblox gift card, and some army action figures. It was exciting to watch him open his gifts. He was very happy for receive all that he got and later that night Tyler called to give wish Makai Happy Birthday. It was sweet of him to remember him. He sat and played with these army guys for hours and hours! It was the best $3 I ever spent.
Thursday, December 17, 2020
Well, 2020 wouldn't be complete without getting COVID, right? Thursday night, the boys went to play some basketball on an outdoor court because the internet was out at our house. When they got home Kory went to sleep and slept for several hours. This isn't unusual behavior for Kory. Friday, the boys got up for online school, but then Kory just slept. After school, he slept some more. He had a little cough, but nothing big. Friday, December 4th we went to the gym as a family. We hadn't been in a while and decided we were going to begin going to they gym again. It felt good to be back. We went to the store afterward, got chicken burgers for dinner and then showered and went to bed. That night I noticed my body was achy, but I just figured it was because we'd gone to the gym. Then, Saturday morning Trey had a basketball game. I was still feeling achy and now my head was hurting and my throat. Monty said his throat was hurting a little bit too, but we didn't really think much of it. I noticed my throat started hurting a little worse, but at this point we weren't thinking anything of it. Sunday, Kyle and Kory had their football banquet. I still wasn't feeling good, and started to worry about going back to school the following day. After all, 2020 is the year that you can't cough in public. I went to the banquet and noticed I was feeling a little hot and tried to cough only when people clapped and things were loud. When we got home I took my temperature and noticed I had a slight fever. The next morning Trey woke up with a slight fever and complained about a sore throat. We took him to get tested. Two days later the results came back--POSITIVE. We had to pull the boys out of school and everyone was placed on quarantine. Trey is almost out of quarantine at this point, but Kyle started feeling symptoms a few days ago, so his 10 days begins from then. I've been sick for about 2 weeks now. Starting to get back some energy, but still have a lingering cough. Everyone has a lingering dry cough. But, we do have people we know who have died from COVID, so we count our blessings that no one has been seriously ill in our family as a result. Tomorrow I will leave the house for the first time in over 10 days. I need to buy Makai some birthday gifts and pick up some supplies from Makai's school for the week after Christmas break when they are doing remote learning. The plus side is that we shouldn't have to quarantine again since we've all had COVID at this point. But, we shall see. Who knows what the guidelines will be in a week. Cases are going up so things could become more strict. They do have a vaccine that they are rolling out. I'm not thrilled with the idea of getting it--we don't even get the flu shot, but I'm pretty sure they are going to make us, so I sure hope there aren't any crazy side effects. I don't trust new vaccines.
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Monday Night Phone Calls and a Few Texts from NC
Tyler's new Companion--Elder Lee.
This same sister has send me a few pictures of Tyler with the missionaries he serves with. He always has a big smile on his face, which shows how much he is enjoying his mission. The elder on the left if from Honduras and often him and Tyler give lessons in Spanish together.
Every Monday we look forward to facetime calls from Tyler. Mission rules allow him to call home on his p-day. Everyone enjoys their chance to talk to him and I think he enjoys sharing how his week has gone and being filled in on how things are going here. One night Kyle took the phone and these boys talk for like an hour. When Kyle got off the phone he said, "Man, I miss that kid." They talked and laughed and goofed off. I love that they get to do that. If Tyler does end up going to Ecuador I'm not sure these calls will be as frequent, so we'll just enjoy them while we can. So far Tyler loves North Carolina. He is in Pittsboro, NC. He says the people are friendly and the area is beautiful. He's on his second companion. We pray that he is learning and growing and changing and seeing how the gospel can change people. We are proud of his service and pray for his safety after hearing this week that he and his comp accidently blew something up! As a mom I shake my head and as a mom I thank the heavens that he didn't get injured or injure someone else! He promised to be more careful. He had his first baptism and even had a non-member give him a coat. (we didn't buy him a coat because he didn't need on for the Ecuador mission). I was humbled by the sweet mans generosity, and so was Tyler.