Kyle with a few of his friends from Track. The team went to State and the team won 1st place. Great memories. 
In order to cut Trey's hair I have to straighten it. Otherwise it's hard to tell what I am doing. Trey said he doesn't like his hair straight. I will say he does look very different with straight hair. I love your curly hair buddy.
Kimmel Orchard has always been a fun Orchard to visit. This year we decided to go drive down and get a dozen apple cider donuts. Kimmel makes the best ones. They've added some sun structures. The growth chart is always fun. I can't believe how much the boys have grown since we moved here. When we moved here Kory was just above the 5. We also spent the day at a water park in Nebraska City. We enjoyed our day swimming. The temperature is very hot and humid at the moment, so the pool was very refreshing! Notice Kory's sock line. He spends a lot of time in the sun during football practice with socks on. It always makes me laugh to see his tan line.
This month I got a job. Once I applied to the district I am in it didn't take long to get a job. It is half an hour from the house, which I don't like, but the school has 6th grade. I asked if Makai could come to the school with me and they agreed. So, Makai and I will attend school together. I really think the drive to and from school will be good for us. Last year I didn't see Makai much and by the time I got home he was usually downstairs. Now we'll have at least an hour in the car together everyday! I look forward to the memories buddy. Here is a picture of my classroom. I'll be teaching Kindergarten.
Kyle loves to lift! If he doesn't go to the gym he is frustrated. I had to take this picture though because the red sign next to him says shoes and shirts required. I love how he put his shoes just under the sign. I really admire this guys dedication to working out. One morning as Kory went to football practice he says, "Hey Dad, a branch on the tree feel last night in the storm." It is not uncommon for us to have storms and loose a small branch here or there. We saw a small branch from the other tree and thought that was what he was talking about. Later when we went out we saw that he was actually talking about a quarter of this tree!! For the record Kory--I wouldn't call that a branch. Our neighbors were so helpful. Once we started cutting it apart, Mike was over with a tool to help and even Tom wheeled over a tool for us to use that was helpful. Our neighbors are so kind. We are thinking we might just cut this tree down at some point. We'll see.