We loved summer, but all good things must come to an end. Another school year is about it begin.
I didn't get any pictures of the boys first day of school because this year was a different year. This year I started school. But, Kory is starting his Jr. Year, Trey his freshman year, Makai his 6th grade year, Monty is starting his last year of medical school and Kyle is Starting his freshman year of college at UNO. With everyone back in school everything is crazy busy! But, all is well. This year will be great.
I did get a picture of Kory at his first scrimmage. It was super hot and for the record he looks good in the picture, but man doe he smell! I will say he looks good in his uniform! 
My classroom is coming together.
One day after starting school I had a little breakdown. I was feeling pretty overwhelmed by working and life. I tend to melt. Monty knew just what I needed-- an off day. He recommended that we go to the zoo. He was right. A few hours at the zoo was helpful to the soul. It reminded me why I am working and what life is really about. Here the boys were petting sting rays and watching them laugh and enjoy themselves was relaxing. I loved this day. 
These beauties are from our neighbors garden. Summer is so nice when our neighbor keeps beautiful fresh veggies on our table. 
Yes, more football. Once football starts, it keeps going. He's enjoying his season. We always go to support. Love this kid. 
We've lived here for almost 7 years and never knew there was a museum of Natural History in Lincoln. We also didn't know that if you are prior military you get in free in the month of August. We decided to head down on afternoon and it was actually pretty amazing. The boys loved the weapons exhibit.
Tyler with Elder Baker. His companion that was in Samoa before Covid. They grew to really enjoy each other.
One day I got home work, Monty was working a night shift and the boys were down stairs, so I made 12 pot stickers and ate them all for dinner! I love these pot stickers. During COVID they were not making them and I was so sad because these are my favorite ones. They are not restocked and sometimes a girl just needs pick me up! It isn't that I don't like my job, it's just hard to balance everything and there is so much to learn. I always feel tired and still have a fear of failure. I wonder if the whole first year will be better. Sometimes food is a comfort.