October began with Makai needing to get some shots. Turns out he missed a short when he was a baby and his new school noticed! But it worked out just fine. He just got his 7th grade boosters at the same time. I'm happy to report he was a trooper. He didn't even cry. Can't believe you are so big Makai. He's taller than most kids kids age...like off the charts and off the charts in weight. I knew from day one he wasn't going to be little, but he's even bigger than I would have guessed.
We continue to occasionally do some "Task Rabbit" jobs. This job was to clean two apartments and make them ready for new tenants. Monty and I have done this, but Kyle never has, so I felt bad sending Kyle to do it by himself. Since I had the day off, we went to tackle the job. The first job was pretty standard. Took us a few hours.
The second one had us baffled. It looked like the person was still there. There was like 4 broken cell phones on the bed. Clothes all over, hair products all over, tons of food in the fridge. We didn't really know if the person lived there still or not. All we knew was it was filthy. Long story short, they told us to do it anyway and then about 2 hours into cleaning they told us to stop. The whole time we wondered if someone was going to walk it and ask us why we were in their house. But, that never happened. The longer we were there the more we felt like the person was gone and long gone. Kyle found that he was a criminal and even found a container that had drugs in it. The drugs were gone, but it still smelled like drugs. Again...it was another bonding experience. And whoever this was LOVED their hair!No matter how hard I try, the boys just keep getting older. Kory is officially 17! He LOVES Spiderman. He can't wait for the Movie that is coming out in a couple months, so Monty had the idea to make his party fun and get some decorations. He wanted to have enchiladas for his birthday and cheesecake. Kory loves cheesecake and homemade enchiladas. Sadly I wasn't feel well on his birthday, but I couldn't let him down, so I made him enchiladas. We had to uninvite his girlfriend because now when people get sick we never know if it's COVID. Kory went and spent the day with his girlfriend, so we didn't go cake until past midnight. So, it was actually the 24th, but we still had fun. Happy birthday Kory! We love you so much.
Halloween in Kindergarten. I haven't dressed up for Halloween in a while, but when you teach kindergarten you need to be fun. So, I went as a blue crayon and matched the other kindergarten teachers in my building. It was pretty fun.
We had some fun visitors for Halloween. TJ, Dora, and Mahonri came for Halloween. It was fun to have a little guy in our house again. He has grown so much and learned really fast that I would pick him up. He is heavy. The boys loved this pirate ship when they were younger. We've never been able to get rid of it and it's a good thing because otherwise we wouldn't have had anything for Mahonri to play with. He loves it. He played with it for a long time. 
Dora braided Kory's hair and his hair is long enough that she could do all of his hair. I can't believe he talent. He likes the way it looks.
Some things are worth waking up early for. Thanks for a fun visit.