Oh, don't be fooled by the handsome smile! This was a rather traumatic event in Kyle's life. He was so worried and during the shots he was so funny because he said everything he was thinking. Some of the things he said while screaming at the top of his lungs, "This is worser than I thought it would be!" "I wish they never invented shots!" "This is the worst day of my whole life. I hate today!" I felt bad for him, but he survived. Afterward we took him to go get a milkshake and while in the drive thru he said, "Mom, I hope I never, ever, ever, ever(this went on for a while) have to get shots again!" Anyway, now he is so excited for Kindergarten I'm afraid August is going to take forever to get here!
And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
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Friday, March 28, 2008
Kindergarten here we come!!
Oh, don't be fooled by the handsome smile! This was a rather traumatic event in Kyle's life. He was so worried and during the shots he was so funny because he said everything he was thinking. Some of the things he said while screaming at the top of his lungs, "This is worser than I thought it would be!" "I wish they never invented shots!" "This is the worst day of my whole life. I hate today!" I felt bad for him, but he survived. Afterward we took him to go get a milkshake and while in the drive thru he said, "Mom, I hope I never, ever, ever, ever(this went on for a while) have to get shots again!" Anyway, now he is so excited for Kindergarten I'm afraid August is going to take forever to get here!
That is the funniest shot story. Way to go Kyle!! Did you guys seriously go to Cal Adventure yesterday? Do you still have your passes? We can't go again until April...wait that is like next week isn't it?! Yea!
Kristin are you ready for Kyle to start kindergarten?
This is the cutest picture. I remember to this day getting my kindergarten booster. What a brave boy! Even if he screemed on top of his lungs.
It's so hard to believe Kyle will e in kindergarten! You'll have two kids in school! How's that feel?
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