This week has been crazy! With Trey walking ,Tyler home and a new calling it seems like it's going to be a crazy summer. All is good though. About two days after loosing his first front tooth Tyler lost his second! Now he is the TOOTHLESS WONDER!:) Kyle will be next as he showed me yesterday that his bottom tooth is loose! How does a mother slow down this growing up process?!
Yesterday was our Primary pool party. The boys had a lot of fun. They swam for two hours straight. On the way home Tyler informed me that he saved Kyle from drowning once. I don't know where I was, but I'm glad Tyler was there.
Actually, I know exactly where I was...with Trey!! Trey didn't exactly enjoy the party! This made it a little difficult, but he's just NOT a water guy.

Kory swam for about an hour and then enjoyed snacks for the rest of the time. He was so funny. When it was time to go and I was trying to get kids out of the pool Kory was following right behind screaming with me, "It's time to get out of the pool!" It's more than funny hearing him tell the story! He says, "Mom when we were telling kids to get out of the pool no one would listen. That's bad huh."