And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
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Monday, June 16, 2008
New Smile!
Kory had enough of Tyler today and decided to sock it to him.
The result...a new smile for Tyler!! It was about time!:)
Okay, so that's not how it really happened, but it makes a better story than mom pinning him down and pulling a hanging tooth out of him mouth. Tyler has more self control when it comes to teeth than I can stand. He refuses to play with it, refuses to wiggle it, refuses to eat with it. He just wants it to fall out naturally. Today I couldn't take it anymore and pulled it out in about 5 seconds. Funny boy!
Tylers new smile is cute. Funny picture of Kory pretending to punch Tyler.
That is so funny! I bet he's glad you pulled it out now! :) Kaitlyn's tooth is growing back in and I am worried about how ugly her teeth will be! There doesn't seem to be enough room for bigger teeth in the space that's there. Oh well...I guess that's why they invented braces!
Ok, Kyle had me fooled for a second! :) Too funny!
You're so brave. Chloe's the same way with her teeth. She won't tug on them for anything, and it drives me crazy! But I'm too scared she'd hate me forever if I pulled it out. Tyler's much more forgiving -- what a sweet guy.
OH man. It just doesn't seem fair that kids have to grow up! That's one cute smile, though!!!
We are still talking about "Tyler's tooth fell out" over here! They like to see it on the computer and they loved to see it in person!
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