I love little boys and their imaginations!! Yesterday Kory found these goggles and decided to pretend to be Anikan Skywalker as a little boy. All morning he was pretending to fly a podracer. Then Kyle got out his favorite hat, found one for Tordy(he takes this turtle everywhere), and a hat for Kory. They became the three amigos. Off they went on an adventure. And who ever said boys don't play dress-up?!
And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Monty's dad has an 'unknown' number of chickens on his property. Yesterday Monty had the idea to round them up and put them in the coop. Boy were they surprised. Monty said the first one he caught was a piece of cake, but after that they knew what was going on and it became quite a chore! My sister in law Cindy and I had a great time watching the gang with the round up. When all was said and done they caught at least 20--the task will have to continue a different day. Great job guys!!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Three down and one to go!
It all started Sunday night with Kory! Poor guy was so wiped out. He got sick and slept through the whole thing. We woke him up, got him in the shower and put him in pj's and he went right back to sleep. A few hours later...we repeated it all again. Monday he slept almost the entire day and then was fine when he woke up.
Yesterday afternoon Trey got sick. We were on our way home from a park and right after getting sick he fell right to sleep. My sister in Law Veronica was so sweet to give him a bath while I cleaned up my car. He slept for a few hours and then woke up all better.
This morning Tyler woke up saying he didn't feel very good. Sure enough he was next. Now he is taking a nap which trust me is not normal!! The kid hasn't taken a nap since he was 2 days old! Okay...that's a little bit of an exaggeration...but not too big.
So, now we are just waiting for Kyle! I must say the boys have all been really good sports. Thanks boys!
It all started Sunday night with Kory! Poor guy was so wiped out. He got sick and slept through the whole thing. We woke him up, got him in the shower and put him in pj's and he went right back to sleep. A few hours later...we repeated it all again. Monday he slept almost the entire day and then was fine when he woke up.
Yesterday afternoon Trey got sick. We were on our way home from a park and right after getting sick he fell right to sleep. My sister in Law Veronica was so sweet to give him a bath while I cleaned up my car. He slept for a few hours and then woke up all better.
This morning Tyler woke up saying he didn't feel very good. Sure enough he was next. Now he is taking a nap which trust me is not normal!! The kid hasn't taken a nap since he was 2 days old! Okay...that's a little bit of an exaggeration...but not too big.
So, now we are just waiting for Kyle! I must say the boys have all been really good sports. Thanks boys!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Halloween 2008 was a huge success thanks to Mammy. She saved the day. Life had been so busy with a quick move that I never got a chance to get the boys Halloween costumes. (They didn't help any as they kept changing their minds as to what they wanted to be.) However, after arriving late Wednesday night, Friday morning Mammy took the boys shopping and after SEVERAL hours they each had costumes that made them smile. Mammy was VERY patient and loving. Thanks mom!!
Kory was first--Batman! Then Kyle decided on a Ninja--he stayed true to character all night. Tyler was the hardest to please. He knew he wanted to be a clone trooper, but the costume was out in every store. My mom drove out to Redlands and found the costume. Then Tyler didn't like the mask, so she got him a helmet. All I can say is he is lucky he was with grandma!!:) He was so happy. And lets not forget Trey--a WILD MAN!! No costume needed!!
I LOVED this picture because it was Trey's first "CHEESE" picture! I never even tell the boys to say cheese, but Trey must have learned it somewhere and said it for this picture! So fun! I love this age of new words everyday!
We went to my parents ward Halloween party and the boys had a wonderful Halloween night. I think they got enough candy to last till next year! Fun times. They continue to enjoy their costumes--it's great to be a kid.
Kory was first--Batman! Then Kyle decided on a Ninja--he stayed true to character all night. Tyler was the hardest to please. He knew he wanted to be a clone trooper, but the costume was out in every store. My mom drove out to Redlands and found the costume. Then Tyler didn't like the mask, so she got him a helmet. All I can say is he is lucky he was with grandma!!:) He was so happy. And lets not forget Trey--a WILD MAN!! No costume needed!!