Halloween 2008 was a huge success thanks to Mammy. She saved the day. Life had been so busy with a quick move that I never got a chance to get the boys Halloween
costumes. (They didn't help any as they kept changing their minds as to what they wanted to be.) However, after arriving late Wednesday night, Friday morning Mammy took the boys shopping and after SEVERAL hours they each had
costumes that made them smile. Mammy was VERY patient and loving. Thanks mom!!
Kory was first--Batman! Then Kyle decided on a Ninja--he stayed true to character all night. Tyler was the hardest to please. He knew he wanted to be a clone trooper, but the costume was out in every store. My mom drove out to
Redlands and found the costume. Then Tyler didn't like the mask, so she got him a helmet. All I can say is he is lucky he was with grandma!!:) He was so happy. And lets not forget Trey--a WILD MAN!! No
costume needed!!

I LOVED this picture because it was Trey's first "CHEESE" picture! I never even tell the boys to say cheese, but Trey must have learned it somewhere and said it for this picture! So fun! I love this age of new words everyday!

We went to my parents ward Halloween party and the boys had a wonderful Halloween night. I think they got enough candy to last till next year! Fun times. They continue to enjoy their costumes--it's great to be a kid.
so you moved! congratulations on the new endeavor! i'm so excited for you guys - and how wonderful to be so close to family again! yea!
I'm so glad the boys got the costumes they wanted, and that you have a mom who could step in and help. Picking out costumes would have been the last thing on my mind in the middle of moving. I have nothing to do, and I didn't even venture out. You may have noticed, our costumes were recycled from years past. But, hey, they still fit!
Well they look GREAT! you would never have known it was so stressful! Congrats on the new move, i know moves like that sometimes are a little scary, BUT, with a little faith and hard work i know it will pay off for you guys. Hope the transition has been good. Love ya..
You're mom's awesome! Your boys look like they had fun! I really do try to make Halloween fun for my kids...but it's really not something I am "in to"!
I love your little "Wild Man"...I can't beleive how BIG he is getting!
so cute! love no costume needed!
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