And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
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Friday, February 20, 2009
Dad to the rescue
Upon looking at the picture you just might think, 'Trey sleeping, sweet!' Now let me give you the full story as to why I had to bring out my camera to get a picture of 'Trey sleeping'!!
Last night about 8:00 we started the whole bed routine. I had Trey in the room and we picked out his PJ's together. He LOVES these hulk pj's. He puts them on and goes around flexing saying, "I the hunk. Muscles!!" Anyway, for that reason they are my favorite too. So, I changed his diaper and then grabbed both his hands and pulled him up. It was then that t he crying began. "Elbow!!" I didn't take it too seriously and just put his shirt on him. However, after a kiss and a hug the crying didn't stop...or more importantly the "I the hunk! Muscles!", didn't begin. It was then that I noticed he wasn't moving his arm. (I was suddenly reminded of a time when Tyler was about 2 and he stopped moving his arm after throwing a fit in the mall. We took him to a Doctor and they said he had a dislocated elbow and popped it back into place.) The only thing I could think of was to pray! When Monty got home he went to the Internet, watched a video on how to pop an elbow back into place and came back into the room. By this time Trey was sound asleep with his arm hanging, not moving a muscle. Monty took Trey by the arm...worked his magic and exclaimed, "I heard it pop back into place!" Shortly after, I watched Trey bring his arm up above his head--his preferred sleeping position. Tears came to my eyes as I realized he was better. Thanks dad for coming to the rescue! This morning Trey has no recollection of what happened, but I'll never forget the answer to my prayer that came from my husbands actions.
Wow! I don't think I'd have the guts to try to pop that arm back in place myself. Monty is the man! We miss you guys up here. Hope all is well in So Cal.
Hooray for prayer! That is amazing!
Wont it be SO nice when Monty is a dr. and you NEVER have to take your kids to the dr. again!?
Poor little Hulk... Thank goodness for daddies.
Love this Story!!!
HIGH FIVE MONTY!!!!!!!! he is the cutest little boy...glad everything is okay!!
poor baby and way to go mom and dad. You saved yourself a miserable trip to the er. I'm glad he was asleep for the precedure!
Oh, wow! That sounds a little scary to me, but I know people do it frequently. Horray for Monty! He's going to be a wonderful doctor. What a precious picture of Trey -- the story just makes it that much better.
Glad it was Trey and not me! The thought makes my arm tingle! Hope to see you guys really soon!
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