Trey had a lot of fun at his party!! He got his wish!! Whenever we asked him what he wanted for him birthday he'd say, "Um, Ice cream cone!" This was his favorite moment of his birthday!
And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
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Saturday, May 23, 2009
Trey's 2!!
Today is Trey's second birthday! We figure it's about time since he entered the whole 'terrible two' phase a while ago! Don't get me wrong we love him to death, but he's just a boy who knows what he wants. He talks like a three year old so sometimes it's hard to remember he's still little. For example. Yesterday he woke up very hungry. He went over to Monty and said, "Dad, i want cereal." Monty said okay and proceeded to make it for him. However, he wasn't doing it fast enough for our little man and he started screaming at Monty, "WANT CEREAL!!" Monty told him not to talk to him that way. Then mumbled, "man, you're bossy." Trey screamed, "I not bossy. I'm Trey!" Wow...good thing he's our fourth and we've had some practice putting kids in their place! We love you Trey...we've just got to try to channel your 'strengths' to benefit you. Happy Birthday! You make me laugh everyday and for that I am thankful! I remember holding you in my arms for the first were so perfect! I can't believe that it has already been two years!! I guess time flies when you're having fun! Love you son!! We are having a party later today, so I'll post pictures later! Just wanted to say Happy Birthday while I had a second.
Monty planned some games. One was a mummy wrap! Chase and uncle Ryan were the winners!
We had a water ballon toss. The adults had a lot of fun!! I think Ryan and Lizeth were the winners! TREY LOVES WATER BALLONS!! He kept going to the chest and taking them out and throwing them! It was his party...he could do what he wanted! 
Enjoying the park! 
A fun day was had by all.
I just want to say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" too. I did not get on the ball this week, so there's no card coming. But I hope he knows we wish him all the best. As I was thinking about how I had procrastinated the other day, I was trying to figure out how old he would be. Logically, I knew it was two, but just like you said he appears so much older. I know you'll have a fun day planned for him, and I can't wait to see the pictures!
happy birthday trey. sorry i missed it but auntie is broke and her car looks like its gonna be broke too. hope all is well. love you guys!
2 years!....time goes by faster when you're older huh because it really seems like he was just born yesterday!
Hope he had a fun party!
Happy birthday Trey!! Sorry we missed the party, but we were thinking of you on your special day. And be patient with mommy and daddy...they are only human you know. :)
wow 2! Can't believe it either. time for another one.
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