And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Cute Toes
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Watch out Lance Armstrong
Guess who taught himself to ride a bike?!
When Tyler was in Kindergarten we would pack everyone into the car with all the bikes, drive to a safe location and spend hour after hour, and day after day patiently(and sometimes not so patiently) teaching Tyler the tricks of the trade. He had elbow pads, knee pads, gloves, and a helmet which we made sure were securely in place before he made each attempt.
I've been watching Kyle ride his RAZOR the past few weeks and thought to myself that he was ready to learn to ride a bike. I didn't think it would take long as the RAZOR requires the whole 'balance' technique. However, I just kept putting it off. Imagine our surprise when Tyler came running into the house today saying Kyle was riding a bike. In disbelief Monty and I went out to find Kyle(with no helmet) as confident as can be riding a bike!! We quickly told him to put on a helmet and then clapped and said to each other..."Gotta love Kyle!" Great job buddy!! (Thanks for rescuing me from the guilt of not teaching you!)
I've been watching Kyle ride his RAZOR the past few weeks and thought to myself that he was ready to learn to ride a bike. I didn't think it would take long as the RAZOR requires the whole 'balance' technique. However, I just kept putting it off. Imagine our surprise when Tyler came running into the house today saying Kyle was riding a bike. In disbelief Monty and I went out to find Kyle(with no helmet) as confident as can be riding a bike!! We quickly told him to put on a helmet and then clapped and said to each other..."Gotta love Kyle!" Great job buddy!! (Thanks for rescuing me from the guilt of not teaching you!)
Let it snow, let it snow, let it the mountains!:)
Although we didn't last long in the snow due to lack of the proper gear, we had a great time just hanging out for a bit. Now all the boys want mittens for Christmas. Not gloves...mittens. They think mittens will help them make better snowballs!:)
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sisterly Surprise for Makai and I
Saturday my mom invited me to go out with her for the afternoon. Upon arriving to her home I was completely overwhelmed and taken back to find all the Peterson sister in laws present for a fun surprise. Apparently for months they have had the idea of doing something special for me and Makai. I had no idea because when I found out I was having another boy I told everyone I didn't want to have a shower or anything...I had everything I needed. However, I have to admit that this surprise was something I needed. I felt so loved was simply brought to tears.
The house looked so nice. It was set with my mom's china. When is the last time I ate on china?!! UM...I'm still thinking.
They thought of everything. There were cute 'It's a Boy' balloons and a couple sets of amazingly beautiful roses. There were even gifts wrapped in bags other than the bags they were bought in. Needless to say there was a definite girl presence in the house.
We started off eating an amazing meal. It began with minestrone soup, followed by a salad and mom's priceless rolls all followed by chicken parmesan that was cooked to perfection. I also enjoyed the sauteed mushrooms and cauliflower dish. I can honestly say I enjoyed each and every bite! Oh, and I can't forget the wonderful punch with ice cream, soda, and grape juice to top it all off. I think we were all kind of taken back not having to cut up food for our kids.
The house looked so nice. It was set with my mom's china. When is the last time I ate on china?!! UM...I'm still thinking.

We started off eating an amazing meal. It began with minestrone soup, followed by a salad and mom's priceless rolls all followed by chicken parmesan that was cooked to perfection. I also enjoyed the sauteed mushrooms and cauliflower dish. I can honestly say I enjoyed each and every bite! Oh, and I can't forget the wonderful punch with ice cream, soda, and grape juice to top it all off. I think we were all kind of taken back not having to cut up food for our kids.

After lunch we all decorated onesies for baby Makai. My sister in laws and mom are very talented and the shirts turned out super cute.

Then I opened gifts. There were a few things I still needed, but now I honestly have everything I need for this little man. My mom really surprised me with a bassinet and car seat for Makai. Thanks girls for everything.
The afternoon was so special and unforgettable. I will never forget this surprise. You gals are awesome.
p.s. thanks to all my brothers and my husband for watching the kids while I borrowed your wives. You have wonderful wives!:)

p.s. thanks to all my brothers and my husband for watching the kids while I borrowed your wives. You have wonderful wives!:)
Monday, November 16, 2009
Friday, I had another ultrasound. I was happy to see that our baby is healthy and the cord is no longer around his neck...just around his shoulders. He wouldn't stop moving through the entire ultrasound, so we didn't get any good pictures. I took it as him being upset and fighting with the technician, but my mom said maybe he was just playing with her. I guess in a few weeks we'll see which one of us was right. In this case I'm hoping I'm wrong. Anyway, we also found out that he's not a small baby by any means. They are estimating him to be around 6 lbs already. (Kory wasn't even 6lbs when he was born!) When the doctor came in to discuss the ultrasound I believe his exact words were, "Well, you're carrying quite the load." Not the words every mother wants to hear when she still has 5 weeks to go. To ease my fears mom and I went to get some frozen yogurt afterward. Probably not the best thing, but it was sure good.
Saturday was a fun day. Tio was home from Georgia and we had a nice lunch with him. It was great to see him. He seems to be doing great in the Army, but I can tell he's missing being with his family and they miss him. Thankfully, he's almost done with training. Anyway, he had this desire to cook while he was home and we were all excited. It was the best lunch with Carne Asada, Guacamole, Tortillas, name it. During lunch I suggested we change Thanksgiving this year to Carne Asada instead of Turkey...after all...this is California. Anyway...we'll see if we really do it. Thanks for a wonderful lunch Greg! It was great to see you and we look forward to seeing you again soon.
Today Monty was released from the Bishopric. Last week they announced our ward was being dissolved. It was kind of a sad moment, but these things happen. Monty did a great job in the Bishopric and really grew to love the people of our ward. I'm thankful for his service and the good man he is. I wasn't able go to church today as three of our 4 boys were sick, but he gave me the lowdown on our new ward. I was also released from Nursery, but that was very welcomed on my part. It was getting a little difficult with this belly to do a good job in Nursery. I started singing 'head, shoulders, knees and knees' to the kids because I haven't seen my toes in ages!
Saturday was a fun day. Tio was home from Georgia and we had a nice lunch with him. It was great to see him. He seems to be doing great in the Army, but I can tell he's missing being with his family and they miss him. Thankfully, he's almost done with training. Anyway, he had this desire to cook while he was home and we were all excited. It was the best lunch with Carne Asada, Guacamole, Tortillas, name it. During lunch I suggested we change Thanksgiving this year to Carne Asada instead of Turkey...after all...this is California. Anyway...we'll see if we really do it. Thanks for a wonderful lunch Greg! It was great to see you and we look forward to seeing you again soon.
Today Monty was released from the Bishopric. Last week they announced our ward was being dissolved. It was kind of a sad moment, but these things happen. Monty did a great job in the Bishopric and really grew to love the people of our ward. I'm thankful for his service and the good man he is. I wasn't able go to church today as three of our 4 boys were sick, but he gave me the lowdown on our new ward. I was also released from Nursery, but that was very welcomed on my part. It was getting a little difficult with this belly to do a good job in Nursery. I started singing 'head, shoulders, knees and knees' to the kids because I haven't seen my toes in ages!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Kory's special lunch
Yesterday my mom called to see if she could take Kory out to lunch for his special birthday lunch. When I told him he was so excited. "Yeah, this is going to be so fun," he said,. As I got him ready he told me just where he wanted to go--McDonald's. He knew just what he wanted too--a happy meal with chicken nuggets, apples and chocolate milk, with of course an Astroboy toy. He had such a fun time. Afterward my mom took him to Target and he got to pick out a toy(even though she'd already gotten him a birthday gift. It's fun to be grandma).
Along with his new toy she also bought the other boys colored pencils(drawing is one of their favorite past time) and some bubble gum. After they had each had a piece I told Kory to put his gum in a safe place. Obviously, he didn't put it in a safe enough spot. After dinner Trey disappeared for a long time. Finally he emerged from his room with the biggest smile I've ever seen on his face and cheeks that seemed mighty full.
When he opened his mouth I swear he had about 5 pieces of bubble gum in his mouth. He was SOOO happy. It cracked me up. I went ahead and let him chew it as long as he wanted. I figured as long as he stayed out with me so I could be sure he didn't choke on the 5 pounds of gum in his mouth I'd let him live his dream!! Glad you enjoyed yourself buddy.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
End of First Quarter
Yesterday was the last day of first quarter. Tyler and Kyle have done great so far this year. We are so proud of them. I've been busy attending awards assemblies for both of them. They were both chosen as their classes 'Star Writer'. They had a special assembly in the library where they had the chance to read their story before receiving their aware. They also both earned Principles Honor Roll, meaning they got all A's and P's in academics and all 3's in behavior. We are so proud of them.
Kyle also earned Student of the month in his class. He's really good at helping to teach other kids concepts they don't understand. Kyle is a born teacher. In fact, if he's having trouble with his homework(meaning--staying focused)I just send Kory over to the table and tell Kyle to teach Kory want he is learning. Most of Kyle's math pages are colored by Kory who loves to be taught by Kyle. Great work Kyle!!
The boys 'Star Writer' Stories.
One day in the jungle, Tasan was having fun swinging with his lucky leaf when sudenly he crashed into a tree! Tarsan said, "OUCH!" and droped his lucky leaf into a streem. "NO, my luucky leaf" said Tarsan. With out it I have no luck." Tarsan started thinking about what he should do. Then sudenly a bright lite blub apeeared above Tarsan's head. "I know, I can bild a raft, go down streem and get my lucky leaf." said Tarsan. So Tarsan went and bilt a raft using logs and the stem of the strongest plant in the jungle. He saled down the streem and got his lucky leaf. Even at this moment Tarzan still swings in the jungle.
I like cumeleuns becus they camruflosh or blend in. They have cool ies! I no they liv in Americu. Cumeleins are reptils.
Now three weeks of vacation!:)
One day in the jungle, Tasan was having fun swinging with his lucky leaf when sudenly he crashed into a tree! Tarsan said, "OUCH!" and droped his lucky leaf into a streem. "NO, my luucky leaf" said Tarsan. With out it I have no luck." Tarsan started thinking about what he should do. Then sudenly a bright lite blub apeeared above Tarsan's head. "I know, I can bild a raft, go down streem and get my lucky leaf." said Tarsan. So Tarsan went and bilt a raft using logs and the stem of the strongest plant in the jungle. He saled down the streem and got his lucky leaf. Even at this moment Tarzan still swings in the jungle.
I like cumeleuns becus they camruflosh or blend in. They have cool ies! I no they liv in Americu. Cumeleins are reptils.
Now three weeks of vacation!:)