Yesterday was the last day of first quarter. Tyler and Kyle have done great so far this year. We are so proud of them. I've been busy attending awards assemblies for both of them. They were both chosen as their classes 'Star Writer'. They had a special assembly in the library where they had the chance to read their story before receiving their aware. They also both earned Principles Honor Roll, meaning they got all A's and P's in academics and all 3's in behavior. We are so proud of them.

Kyle also earned Student of the month in his class. He's really good at helping to teach other kids concepts they don't understand. Kyle is a born teacher. In fact, if he's having trouble with his homework(meaning--staying focused)I just send Kory over to the table and tell Kyle to teach Kory want he is learning. Most of Kyle's math pages are colored by Kory who loves to be taught by Kyle. Great work Kyle!!

The boys 'Star Writer' Stories.
One day in the jungle, Tasan was having fun swinging with his lucky leaf when sudenly he crashed into a tree! Tarsan said, "OUCH!" and droped his lucky leaf into a streem. "NO, my luucky leaf" said Tarsan. With out it I have no luck." Tarsan started thinking about what he should do. Then sudenly a bright lite blub apeeared above Tarsan's head. "I know, I can bild a raft, go down streem and get my lucky leaf." said Tarsan. So Tarsan went and bilt a raft using logs and the stem of the strongest plant in the jungle. He saled down the streem and got his lucky leaf. Even at this moment Tarzan still swings in the jungle.
I like cumeleuns becus they camruflosh or blend in. They have cool ies! I no they liv in Americu. Cumeleins are reptils.
Now three weeks of vacation!:)
Way to go boys! Three weeks of vacation? Are you guys in year round school? They have that where we might be moving, but I'm not sure how I feel about it. You'll have to let me know (if that's what you do!)
Cute stories!!! :) I loved that Kyles ended with "a cumeleins are reptils"...because that's when I figured out what we was talking about...and had to laugh at myself because evidently I don't read phonitically (sp?) very well!
Thanks! I really wanted to hear those stories. So--one of them will write adventure stories and the other will write biology books. Good for them! I promise to read all their stuff! Congrats on the awards, boys! I love you!
Congrats boys on your awards. Have a fun vacation.
It must feel so good to see your boys doing so well in school. Besides being bright kids they are kind and good hearted. Wish my kids could spend more time with them. You guys rock!
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