And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Wednesday, December 30, 2009 does a body good!
I took Makai to his two week appointment today. He's not quite two weeks, but close enough. Anyway...the verdict is he's growing!! He is already 10lbs 6 oz and 21 inches long. I can't believe he's growing so fast!! He still seems so small. Trying to enjoy every second I can say that!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Enjoy the Moment
For Christmas my visiting teacher gave me a wooden sign which reads "Enjoy The Moment". I placed it in my kitchen above the sink knowing how much time I spend there I'd remember to read it everyday. It has really changed my outlook on life and was a perfect gift right before having a new baby. So, as I am trying to enjoy every moment I decided to share with you a few of my favorite moments from this past week.
One of my favorite things about Christmas is my mom's Challah bread. There is nothing like sitting down to a nice warm slice of this bread with melted butter on it. YUM. Add some hot chocolate and you've died and gone to heaven.
Tyler is a great help when I need him to be. I love the way he looks at his brother. The other day I know he really wanted to be doing something else when I asked him to hold Makai. I thought he'd resent him, but when I took him back he just said, "Mom, I love having a new brother."
I've been a little spoiled as Monty has been off and here to help. He's really stepped up to the plate and helps with the dishes, meals, and the other boys allowing me to get some rest. One afternoon I woke up before him and found him sleeping with Trey. I had to take a picture because I found it so cute that they were sleeping in the same position.
Christmas morning Monty's parents both came over and watched the boys open their gifts. Monty's mom made a nice breakfast and his dad brought donuts, so we had plenty of food that morning. The boys had a wonderful Christmas. Trey always rides his brothers scooters, so Santa brought him his very own!(he's not too fond of it yet for some reason?)
Tyler has wanted a remote control car for years. This year he got his wish.
The biggest surprise of Christmas was a Wii Sport. It was even a surprise for Monty and I. We didn't plan on getting one for the boys, but Tyler asked for a Lego Indiana Jones 2 game for his PS2. After searching for it we learned they weren't going to make it for the PS2. The boys have been working to earn a Wii by getting honor roll and we were planning to buy one at the end of the school year. Christmas Eve we still hadn't found a good present for Kyle. I sent Monty out and he just decided to get the boys the Wii so we could get the game for Tyler and then we'd be done. Kyle was completely shocked when he opened his gift. His reaction was classic. He read Wii and then just kind of paused as if he didn't believe it. He looked up and said, "Is this a Wii? Did I get a Wii?" After that it was sheer excitment. We then explained that if they don't make Honor Roll this quarter we take it! It's been fun watching them play.
Kory got a Pokemon puzzle for Christmas and we had a fun time putting that together. As for his remote control plane...that's more of a dad toy. Too complicated!
Trey has been a little sick this week and needing some love. I think he may have been a little jealous of Makai, but never mean. He told me last night, "Mom, I want to keep him." Whenever Makai cries he said, "It gunna be okay Makai. Don't cry. It gunna be okay." I went into my room yesterday to find Trey touching Makai on his nose while he slept. He's come to accept and love Makai and even shared some toys with him yesterday. When I was taking some quick pictures of Makai yesterday Trey asked me to take some pictures of him. He even posed!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Makai has arrived!!
I meant to get a better picture before Makai arrived, but it didn't happen so this one will have to do. This was taken Wednesday.
Thursday I went into the hospital at about 2:30pm for an ultrasound to get an update on Makai's size. The estimate was he'd be about 9lbs 1oz and all looked good. I was having a few contractions so they asked if I just wanted to go over to labor and delivery, but I declined as they weren't consistent. Little did I know 12 hours later he'd be here safe and sound weighing almost exactly what they estimated he'd weigh.
I usually wait till my water brakes to go to the hospital, but this time things just seemed different, so I gave in about 11:00pm after I felt like things really weren't going to stop and the contractions were getting pretty close. Sure enough they confirmed I was in active labor and could get an epidural if I wanted. Since everything else was going different for this delivery I thought why not. Bring in the anaesthesiologist. Wow...HEAVEN! Talk about a wonder drug. When delivered correctly it sure made for a fun delivery! Makai arrived about 3:37am Friday December 18th.
It all seemed so surreal as I looked at him over on that table. He wasn't crying just kind of looking around taking in his new world.
We decided to come home the following day because the boys were not allowed at the hospital and they wanted to meet their new little brother. His first night home he was horrible!! I thought...'You tricked're a terror!!' I think about 4:30am I told Monty..."How do we send him back." The sad thing is I think I really meant it at that point. Last night however he did much better. I'm back in love!:)
Monty and Makai just enjoying some time together.
Trey is as curious as can be with Makai. He adjusted very well. When he came in the door to meet him he said, "Mom, Makai came out! I gunna call him Tarzan." He actually calls him 'akai' or 'kakai'. He's done great adjusting to being an older brother.
The other boys have done well. When I woke up yesterday Tyler was on my bed just watching Makai sleep. He had a big smile on his face and told me, "Mom, I just love Makai." Kyle actually is the most uninterested in Makai. He still hasn't asked to hold him. Kory has asked a few times to hold Makai and loves to come over and just give him a kiss. I'm proud of all of them for adjusting so well to such a big change.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Oh Christmas Tree...
It took us a while this year to find a good time when we could all get together to get a Christmas tree, but it finally happened Monday night and last night we decorated it. It was a really fun time. Kory helped Nana get the ornaments ready while dad and Tyler put up the lights.
Perhaps the funnest part of decorating the tree this year was TREY! He was so excited and he couldn't hide it!!
After each ornament he put on he'd say, "Ta, da" or for some reason, "Himalayas". He kept running over to me saying, "Merry Christmas mom". When I'd respond by wishing him a Merry Christmas he'd say, "Kanks" and then go back and put another ornament on the tree and it would start over again. Trey is making Christmas fun. One of my favorite things to do this year is drive around town at night because he simply loves it. Every house is spectacular in his eyes and gets the label of "Christmas!"
Each year the boys take turns putting the 'star' on the top of the tree. Nana has an angle and this year was Kory's turn. He was so excited right up until Monty put him in the air. Then he was scared and didn't want to do it anymore.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
It's raining, it's pouring...
This week is our first week of 'winter weather' in California. For two days it's been raining and the kid have been inside. Today, Monty had the wonderful idea of having the kids go outside and play. After all, a little water never hurt anyone! I was thrilled with the idea as they needed to's just part of being a boy.
Tyler enjoyed it for a little bit, but wouldn't wear his flip flops like I asked. Once his shoes got wet he wanted to come inside. Huh...
Trey was in HEAVEN!! This was truly Trey's dream come true. He's wearing his favorite blue 'ninja hat', and running through what the boys are calling the Pacific Ocean. He is humming as he runs through the puddles some action hero song. I think it's superman.
Kyle is our other water boy and is still out there riding his bike and laughing as he rides through the puddles.(pay no attention to his lack of a helmet.)
Kory wasn't too thrilled with the whole idea of playing in the rain.
Then there is Monty! His little outside adventure landed him in the dog house when I realized he did wear flip flops--but MY flip flops!! Hope you like them buddy because they are now yours and I'll enjoy picking out a new pair later this afternoon!! Live and learn, don't mess with a Cali girl's flip flops...that's war!:)
Tyler enjoyed it for a little bit, but wouldn't wear his flip flops like I asked. Once his shoes got wet he wanted to come inside. Huh...
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
About 10 months ago my mom asked me if I could substitute for her as she knew she was going to be gone this week on vacation, with my dad, in Israel. When she told me the only thing I'd have to do is hand out a mid-term I figured it was something I could do. It's the first time I've ever actually used my BA degree and I felt under qualified even to just pass out tests, but I agreed. It was a perfect class. All the students are from Japan and it's an all girl class. When I walked in they all just pointed at my belly and laughed talking in Japanese so I have no idea what they were saying, but I can guess. When I stood up to start class they all just put away their notes, separated themselves from one another and quieted right down. It was a very pleasant experience and now I'm not worried about going back on Thursday to do it again. At the end one girl talked to me and asked, "When is your baby due?" After telling her she asked me if it was my first. When I told her no it was my 5th I about did a flip! It was the first time I realized I'm about to have my 5th baby!! Holy cow, how did that happen. This all seems so crazy.
(Thanks Beronica for watching Kory and Trey.)
(Thanks Beronica for watching Kory and Trey.)