And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
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Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Oh Christmas Tree...
It took us a while this year to find a good time when we could all get together to get a Christmas tree, but it finally happened Monday night and last night we decorated it. It was a really fun time. Kory helped Nana get the ornaments ready while dad and Tyler put up the lights.
Perhaps the funnest part of decorating the tree this year was TREY! He was so excited and he couldn't hide it!!
After each ornament he put on he'd say, "Ta, da" or for some reason, "Himalayas". He kept running over to me saying, "Merry Christmas mom". When I'd respond by wishing him a Merry Christmas he'd say, "Kanks" and then go back and put another ornament on the tree and it would start over again. Trey is making Christmas fun. One of my favorite things to do this year is drive around town at night because he simply loves it. Every house is spectacular in his eyes and gets the label of "Christmas!"
Each year the boys take turns putting the 'star' on the top of the tree. Nana has an angle and this year was Kory's turn. He was so excited right up until Monty put him in the air. Then he was scared and didn't want to do it anymore.
I love the death grip Kory has on Monty's head!
What a pretty tree!
9 more days til Christmas! Crazy! How old do you think your baby will be on Christmas day? I am hoping at least 1 week old!
What great memories! We still haven't fully decorated for Christmas and really I don't know if we will. LOL Man this month went fast!! The tree looks great though. :)
That is such a cute picture of Monty and Kory. How ya feeling?
Trey does look all excited. That's so cute.
I'm excited you guys got your tree!! Emjae had fun playing with all of the ornaments before we put them on. And so far she hasn't played with them since. I hope your christmas is good with the new edition
Hey!!! I was right! Makai WILL be one week old on Christmas! (self high five)
Oh.....I just have one more thing to say....MONTY....please post a picture of the baby!!!!! (please)
Your family is so beautiful. It lookied like a fun night.
What kind of camera do you have? The pictures of your kids in the reain are awesome!
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