And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Friday, January 29, 2010
My brother Greg and his family just moved to Hawaii! We are so excited for them. After talking to them after their first night they are already in love. Who could blame them? I looked through some of our pictures from our last trip to Hawaii and feel it's the perfect place to live. After all, it does have...clear water: 

Fun luau's where you are suppose to eat a lot:

Friday, January 15, 2010
5 Little Monkeys!
Today our little Makai is 4 weeks old! I can't believe he's growing so fast. I decided to get a few pictures of him today with his brothers as I have yet to get a group shot of our 5 little Monkey! Here is a picture of him looking at Tyler. He's just entered the stage when he's looking at faces. A sweet moment.
Our first attempt at getting the party of 5!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Seventh Heaven
Saturday Kyle turned 7! When he woke up he said, "Is it my birthday or did I just sleep without dreaming?"(still not sure what that meant exactly.) When we told him it was indeed his birthday he then said, "Okay, now I just need to wait for Mammy and grampop to take me to breakfast!" My dad sent a BEFORE and AFTER picture from IHOP. I think they pretty much speak for themselves. He left pretty satisfied! 

Kyle received some really awesome gifts. He's been playing with pokemon cards, and drawing in all kinds of fun books since his party ended.
His Nana surprised him with a new bike. He loves it! I couldn't believe how fast he was riding it. He said it goes faster than Tyler's bike. It sure seemed like it to me.
One of the main reasons we had the party at our house was because Kyle really wanted to have a Wii Tournament. The boys took this very seriously. They made a sign up sheet and went around signing people up. (Notice...Tyler sitting on the jump house with the sign up sheet.)
Kyle was concerned people wouldn't know about the Wii Tournament, so he made a sign and staked it outside!
The tournament was fun. One day we'll have do do another one. The winners were...Kory for the kids and Austin for the grownups.
Thanks everyone for coming to support Kyle. He was so happy and truly felt your love. We love you Kyle! Looking forward to your 7th year! Can't believe how fast you're growing up. You truly are a wonderful boy. We love your 'LOVE' for life and spunky personality. You bring so much life to our home and so much laughter. other thing. We did a quiz about Kyle and learned: Kyle is 4ft 2inches tall. His favorite animal is a turtle. He wants to be a ninja when he grows up. His favorite resturaunt is IHOP. He likes the San Diego Chargers. He's lost 6 teeth. He was born in Cheyenne, WY. And, if asked a question he'll answer it quickly.

In the afternoon we had both our families over for a barbecue. Monty grilled some veggies, teriyaki burgers, and hot dogs. Monty went to the store the night before and got anything and everything you could think of putting on a burger or hot dog. The result--Delicious!!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Babies grow so fast, but thanks to my SIL Michelle we will always have our 'Mighty Makai' at two weeks. Truly priceless. (To see more you can visit her photo blog.)
Thanks a million times over Michelle.